4 - You Mean the Demon King Army will Treat Me Way Better than Humanity?

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『What the heck is she talking about?』

At the holy sword's words, the Majin gives the sword a cold gaze.

「This is pertaining to a person's happiness. I suppose it's only natural for a sword to be clueless.」

『Bwuh?! That's holy sword discrimination! Did you hear that, Rain?! I have feelings too, y'know?!』

「If that's true, then why did you not feel that it was wrong to force a five-year-old to wield a holy sword and speak up? Could it be that the last holy sword in the world simply follows the orders of the Saviors or the king?」

『Grk, Nnn... T-that's 'cause...』

Looks like she hit the nail on the head because all the bluster in the holy sword's words was sapped out.


『M-moving on! Uhm... More importantly...』

It seems like nothing is coming to mind.

「Why don't we go and rescue those trapped children first?」

『Yeah that! That's my Hero! You have your priorities straight!』

「...It is as Lord Rain says. Now that the threats have been eliminated, we should free the captured children as soon as possible... I was too distracted by this reunion with Sir Rain.」

We move deeper into the cave, following the children's presence.

...Happiness... Joy...

I know what those words mean, but it just doesn't click.

For example, a father, mother, and child walking hand in hand down the street while smiling. That seems fun.

You could call something like that a happy family.

The Six Saviors' mission is to protect the peace and happiness of the people.

That probably doesn't include us being happy.

No family, no lover, no friends. Plus, I don't really value money, fame, or honor.

We're just a group of people who are better at something than other people and we use our talents for the sake of humanity.

At least the other five have taken that as their mission in life.

So as the sixth member, I was taught all that and ended up operating like that.

I'm sure I'm the odd one out among the Saviors.

Kids who laugh happily while playing a game they don't really know the rules to, the satisfied faces of lovers just walking along hand-in-hand, those who return home only to be greeted by someone inside.

All...mundane, yet things I will never have in life. I can't help but think「That's nice...」

I thought that there was something wrong with me.

That's...what I thought but...


There was a crude prison keeping those who were captured within it.

Upon seeing us, they let out a terrified sound while they huddled together.

Most were children and women.

It seems that demons who resembled humans the closest were gathered.

Those with horns, wings, or even scales on parts of their skin.

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