11 - The Hero's Debut at the Park

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The Demon King's daughter says her name is Myuri.

Normally she has a busy day of eating breakfast, taking private tutoring lessons, taking a nap, and playing with her older brother.

However, there has been a change in her daily life recently.

Her brother was enrolled into some magic academy and he's busy with schoolwork.

It isn't fun playing by herself, and the maids are too careful due to who she is so they don't play with their all.

Which is when she heard the sounds of us playing and came here.

「Huh, so you have an older brother. He was next to your old man, right?」


After I arrived at the Demon King Castle with Eleanor, I went to say hello.

At first, I thought it would be like meeting a human king where I have to get on one knee and mumble things like「Yes, your highness.」or「You honor me, your highness.」and then it would be over, but the old man Demon King deliberately listened to my circumstances and...wept.

After that, he hugged me tightly, saying「You can stay as long as you like」,「If you ever feel lonely, you can call me papa.」, and other such warm words, which shocked me instead.

I was told that the reason I must fight is that some warlike Demons were still seeking to expand their territory, fought for fighting's sake, or even that they were unforgivable.

...The people of this country don't even want to go to war with humans.

Apparently, there are two kinds of people who go to the Human Realm from Makai.

Those that are tired of their present hell of war, war, and nothing but war, and come over seeking peace.

This country gathers such Demons and reinvigorates them.

And those that wish to bring war, war, and nothing but war to the Human Realm. The kind that lives only to fight and is incomprehensible.

To the bosses of those kinds of people, territory is like a trophy, and they don't care what happens to the land as long as they can get it.

...Even if that land is a troubling land filled with miasma.

This may sound obvious, but they have a lot more detailed information than the Human Territory, so that helps a lot.

Well, anyway, the Demon King of this country is a good guy.

We are now heading to the park under the guidance of Myuri.

「I heard he was around my age, but do you go to the magic academy when you're fifteen?」

Myuri nodded her head.

Incidentally, the other kids were happily talking amongst themselves, clinging to me, or trying to touch Mika. She'd get angry and yell『Hey, stop that!』.

「Yeah. Cos it's dangerous to use magic.」

「Ah, that's true.」

Even someone with the crest of the Hero like me failed a lot in the beginning.

「But mister Hero used magic when you were little, right?」

「Hm? I guess. Cos there was a magic teacher and someone who could heal any injury right away.」

Even if I got injured when I failed, the Saint would heal me right up.

Under the Sage's supervision, even magic that can normally be dangerous when out of control can avoid causing a disaster.

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