6 - I've decided. I'm Going Over to the Demon King Army!

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『Scum that live a depraved life using a woman's money.』

「That sounds like a bad guy...」

But now that she mentions it, Eleanor's offer sounds a lot like that...

Being given the chance to do that seems too good to be true.

「Sir Rain, that holy sword is merely talking about a third-rate freeloader.」

「Third-rate freeloader...」

『Gr... I know this isn't the time for it, but I can't help but cut in to say「Are there even varying degrees of freeloaders...?」.』

「A common term for a freeloader is a person who offers some kind of emotional or physical benefit in exchange for financial dependence, but this can be also be seen as a deal of sorts.」


「A deal where only the man benefits excessively is a third-rate freeloader, while a deal where both parties benefit mutually is considered second-rate. The deal that surpasses that is a deal where the woman you are living with takes great pleasure in supporting the man.」

From what she's saying, the lowest form of a freeloader is one where only the man benefits.

『This woman isn't hiding any of her desires... And she even grades freeloaders in her own terms...』

「So if I lived and did what I wanted over there... that would make you happy?」

「It would be heavenly...」

Eleanor carelessly makes a face as she daydreams about it.

It's the kind of face you shouldn't show your subordinates. If she was cool and dignified when you first met her, seeing that would drop her reputation like a rock.

「...This isn't to repay how I rescued you?」

I don't want to take advantage of any feelings of gratitude she has.

「Oh not at all, that fateful day was merely the start. This isn't thanks, but my desir-...my dream.」

Dream, huh...

Desire! She was gonna say desire!』

「You are simply hearing things.」

『That doesn't happen to holy swords! I hear and understand all words!』

「Goodness, how wonderful.」

『Don't humor me like a child!』

「At any rate, I will not ask for compensation. If I may say so, I hope that you will allow me into your new life.」

Maybe she just wants to chat? That wouldn't count as compensation.

「Will I really be...free...?」

If this is all an act, then she's a heck of an actress.

From how fast she told the tale, she must have been planning this for a long time.

『A deal that good doesn't exist! Even if they treat you exactly as she says, the true purpose might be to reduce Humanity's combat ability by removing the Hero.』

The holy sword is trying to expose Eleanor.

Ironically, however, the answer to that was decisive in my decision.

Her face returned to a serious one and calmly said...

「I believe that I understand how kind Sir Rain is. I am sure that you would help others out of your own desire even if it goes against your『Orders』.『Freedom』implies all the above.」

Ex-Hero, Now FreeloaderWhere stories live. Discover now