12 - I'm a Majin You Rescued 5 Years Ago

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I've learned the names of the equipment, or rather, the playground equipment.

When using the one called a swing, it appears that you go higher the harder you push, and the higher you go, the better you are scored, so when I tried using Wind Magic to push me, I swung full circle.

The kids were immediately speechless, I did it one more time and they all started cheering, but by the fourth time, they went「Uhm, that's not how you play...」with troubled eyes, so I stopped.

After undoing the tangled ropes, I went to the next one.

Since the slide was made for Myuri, it can't be helped that the slide down to the landing area isn't very long.

Considering that the process of sliding is the core of this playground equipment, it is inevitable that the enjoyment of it is tied directly to how long one can slide on it.

And so, I created a roughly three-story-tall slide using Earth Magic.

Everyone was silent, so I thought something was wrong... Then I realized.

Being three stories tall would also mean it would take a lot of effort to climb the stairs.

I told them that I would use Wind Magic to lift up any volunteers, but Myuri was the only one who raised her hands going「Me, me!」.

But even that was put a stop to by Azla, so I had to reluctantly disintegrate the slide...

For the seesaw, with a weight placed on one side, the one who sits on the opposite side goes up forcefully. I speculate that the enjoyment comes from the feeling of weightlessness.

In my head, I thought that if were to apply Gravity Magic just when the weight is placed on the other side, the kid will soar as high as the heavens...but a thought is as far as I got before Mika went『I don't know what you're planning, but it's better if you don't.』.

Odd... Am I mistaken in my measurement of fun in the park...?

I thought as I sat on this bench, which seems to be used for taking a break.

『Hey Rain? You know that there's a sort of standard to everything, right...?』

The usually full-of-herself Mika was speaking to me in a sort of kind admonishing tone.

『There are no magic-users that expressly use forbidden magic to take out Goblins, right?』

「That would be a waste of mana.」

『Right. You could defeat them with it, but it wouldn't be optimal.』

「You mean these playground equipment for the children are already in an optimized state?」

『Most likely.』

「So that's how it is...」

『You can make the little ones have fun even without the use of magic, you know?』

「It's not like I was thinking about that... I wasn't but, I'll hear you out just this once.」

『Just look at them. Playing together is all they need.』

「...You say that but...」

I don't know how to...


At that moment, I heard a sad voice.

There were two swings lined up and both of them were crowded.

One was swinging smoothly, but the other wasn't and couldn't get enough height.

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