9 - Holy Sword Tantrum 2

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I see. I finally understand.

For the entire time she was used by Heroes who thought she was annoying, it was like her mind was sealed away.

That's why she wants me to think that a Hero needs her.

She wanted to be with me and still have her mind intact, so she asserted her existence.

She is terrified that she will be left behind because my strength far exceeds that of the past heroes. Strong enough to do just fine in a fight without a holy sword.

She was worried that I would never come back to her.

Or that if I did wield her, her mind would be sealed again. Or even considered unnecessary as a weapon.

She was scared.

「Why didn't you say anything? Did you think I might shut you up like the past Heroes?」

That said, I did actually want to do that.

She was pretty noisy...

But I would never want her to be silent. That's probably why she's always so energetic.

Because this relationship is the best for me as a Hero.

『B-because...I-I did something terrible...』

Said Mika in a truly apologetic tone.

「Something terrible?」

I tried thinking about it but nothing came to mind.

「Oh, is it about breaking that treasure sword?」

『N-not about that. Uhm... When I first met you, I thought that maybe you would see me as a partner of equal standing since we were going to be together since childhood.』

「Hm...but then...?」

Nothing seems wrong so far.

『That's just it. Just as silver tits mentioned, it's not normal to give a five-year-old child a sword to go fight. Honestly, I should have watched over your growth while refusing you, saying something proper like「You are not yet old enough to wield me」or something. But I didn't.』

「Ah, I see.」

You felt guilty about that decision and find it pretty hard to confess to it.

『I'm the worst, aren't I? I'm sure you hate me. I'm sorry. I took advantage of your kindness and acted as a trustworthy holy sword...but I'm nothing like that.』

Mika wallowed in self-loathing.

Childhood or not, it's debatable if she was a trustworthy holy sword.

But she is a partner of equal footing.

『I'm ready. If you want to punish me and erase my mind...I will optimize myself if you wish it.』

She spoke like a prisoner on death row, shutting their eyes tight, awaiting execution but...what is she talking about?

「No, I'm good.」


「I'm just saying you don't have to worry about it.」

『Wha-?! D-don't you get it? Even though I'm a holy sword, I put my own feelings first over-』

「OK, first of all, there's a misunderstanding here.」

She probably harbors some sorta regret like「He never would have fought at such a young age if I stopped myself from...」or something.


「Just think about it. I was found by those five, and even if you said something...do you think they would hear you out and wait for me to grow up?」

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