13 - The Hero's First Time in the Sandpit

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『Hey, Rain. ...Is it a coincidence?』

After separating from the two maids, Mika whispers to me.

「What is?」

『To me... I don't think that guy...the War God would just let demon kids with such high talent escape.』


The Eleanor group has the impression that the other five Saviors are heartless and cold-blooded humans.

Most likely because of how they shoved a weapon into my hands when I was five years old and trained me severely to learn their skills.

That said, if they were heartless or run-of-the-mill villains, there's no way they could fulfill their mission as Saviors.

There are many who would use their immense powers for their own self-interest.

But those guys are different.

If they earned money, they use it on those that lost everything in a war or the poor.

They firmly refuse the proposals from countries that try to entice them with land or titles.

If innocents are being oppressed, they would immediately jump in to help.

Firstly, five years ago I was ten years old. It would've been easy enough to fool the knights that came later and the other human girls to let Eleanor and the gang go free, but not for those five.

In other words, the decision to let them go was entirely based on the other five Savior's consent.

They, too, possibly did not wish to kill child victims just because they were Demons.

It's just that the Savior's mission to respect all life does not happen to include the Six Saviors themselves.

According to Eleanor and Mika, the fact that I never noticed it is abnormal, which is most likely due to the education of the other five.

『I wonder if it's possible that he predicted everything up till now.』

「Anything's possible with that guy, but what would the point be? It's a different story if letting me go to the Demon King Army's side benefited Humanity in some way though.」

『Y-yeah...you're right. Sorry, just a random thought.』

「No, I get it. Anything really is possible with that guy... Well anyway, let's go make that sandcastle!」

I can't help but think about the normally inscrutable, bespectacled man.

『...Right. Besides, even if this was all predicted, as long as we're together, we can pull through.』

「Yeah. But if by some chance we have to fight the Sage, be careful. She can destroy cursed swords, y'know.」

If cursed swords are former holy swords, then she might be able to chip Mika.

『What?! But that's supposed to be impossible for a human! 』

「She told me before while you weren't around. The current situation with cursed swords is quite dangerous since they are in the hands of Demons.」

The terrifying thing about cursed swords is that in the hands of a complete novice, they are given the overwhelming power of a skilled swordsman or wizard overnight.

Bad guys who are already strong will become even more troublesome if they wield it.

Still, the Six Saviors can handle them, but that's just because it's us six.

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