Chapter One

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i. For a proper introduction of Helpy in 'Freedom AU', see the latest short story in my book 'Between the Moments'.


   The evening's findings hadn't been all that worthwhile of another night shift. Seeing as there wasn't much for her to bring home with her, Sophie decided to use her boss's photocopier to make copies of the documents she found. She would read them all in more detail later on, as what she had already skimmed didn't have anything worrisome documented.

Though, one of the documents seemed to have something to do with approving productions for new animatronics that were possibly going to be built. From what she read, Sophie couldn't be sure what—or where—these knew animatronics would be for. She had heard something about it in passing from one of the two technicians for this restaurant, and now she simply wondered if these were plans of simply replacing the 'Rockstars'.

There had been some complaints about how the animatronic show had declined in quality lately, not that Sophie really cared. They could have a broom stick attached to a frying pan with googly eyes performing for the customers, and it would still be a thousand times better than seeing her friends being used instead.

The last of papers finished copying. Sophie took them, and placed the papers inside an empty folder—before putting everything else back the way she'd found it. With her copied documents in hand, Sophie left her boss's office. After closing the door, she turned around to lock it up. While messing with her key ring, and accidentally grabbing the wrong key before finding the right one, she paid no mind to what was slowly approaching her from behind.

Nodding at the now-locked-office door, Sophie let her keys hang loosely from her belt loop again. She turned around to begin her return to the small security office, only to practically walk into an animatronic. "Wha-?!" Sophie stumbled backwards, but not before nearly jumping out of skin in fright.

As soon as her thundering heart started slowing down again, she realized it was Rockstar Foxy who'd walked up on her. The animatronic was already turning around to continue its mindless 'free roam' trek through the restaurant. Sophie's eyes narrowed in her confusion, unsure as to how the animatronic fox was walking around. He'd been powered off in Pirate's Cove waiting for maintenance.

Sophie slowly followed after the animatronic. At the same time, she heard tiny footsteps coming towards her quickly. Looking downwards, she saw Helpy catching up with her. The little bear came to a stop at her feet, panting from having run through the building.

"Oh! Didn't I leave you in the security office?" Helpy nodded. "Is something wrong?" He shook his head 'no'. "Okay," Sophie crouched down long enough to give her friend a hand up to her shoulder. "Well, what were you doing?" She asked. Helpy promptly pointed towards Rockstar Foxy. Sophie raised a brow.

"What about it?" She looked to the bear again, seeing a bit of a proud look about him. "Did you turn him on?" Helpy nodded, but also gestured with his paw for her to keep guessing. "You turned it on... It was out of order, did you fix it?" That earned Sophie a thumbs up. "Really? It's all fixed now?" Helpy half shrugged, though still nodded in confirmation.

"Not completely, you mean?" Sophie wondered. Helpy smiled. "That's cool! Definitely going to speed things up for the techs. Good work, buddy!" The little bear glanced off sheepishly as they returned to the security office. "I mean, you really didn't need to, but that's cool anyways." Helpy shrugged, letting himself off Sophie's shoulder and onto the desk—sitting down with his stubby legs dangling off the edge.

Taking a look at the time, Sophie hummed. "Well, my shift's almost over," She began while putting the papers in her knapsack. "Let's just hang out here in the meantime, alright?" Helpy smiled and nodded at the idea, then stifled a yawn. Sophie chuckled. "Seems someone's going to sleep on the way home." Helpy shook his head and rolled his eyes—but was smirking a little bit.

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