Chapter Ten

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a.n. when i tell you... i thought this chapter was 30k words... except i just cant read and it's actually 3k .^.


  Each morning had slowly been getting colder as the days of autumn continued on. It wasn't quite cold enough for frost to be seen on the glass of windows and blades of grass, but just enough to want to curl up in a warm blanket and sleep for just five more minutes. It would be it's coldest before the sun's rising, then after, the morning would hopefully get warmer.

The usual rays of said morning sun were peeking through the curtains beside the front door, as they always were when Puppet makes his way downstairs in the morning. What wasn't usual, that morning, was the unmistakable sound of food sizzling in a pan from the kitchen—along with a pleasant smell of breakfast.

Puppet knew it wasn't Ballora preparing breakfast, as he'd just left her in their bedroom to wake up a bit more before coming downstairs. Heading into the kitchen, he was pleasantly surprised to see his father standing at the stove, tending to the food he had in the hot skillet.

Py noticed his son walking into the room. "Good morning," He said to him. "I hope it's alright that I made us all breakfast." Puppet slowly smiled. "It is. Thank you, Dad." Py returned the smile. He then began with removing the first helpings of what he was cooking onto a single plate to be set on the breakfast table. After, he went about putting the rest into the skillet to cook.

"What're you making?" Puppet wondered, while going to a cupboard for a mug. "Nothing too fancy, just some french toast." Py answered. He paused, turning to look at his son. "The girls like french toast, right?" Py asked, adding with, "I know it's a rather 'hit or miss' breakfast dish sometimes..." Puppet gave him a curious look. "It is?"

"Yes, I remember Nat never...." Py stopped himself short, trailing off somewhat awkwardly without saying anything more. Puppet was disappointed for a moment, however made no comment asking about whoever his father had just mentioned. He instead reassured him with his answer. "It's one of the girls' favorite breakfast foods." Py nodded. "I'm glad, then."

"Mm, smells like french toast in here." Came Ballora's observation, follow by a short yawn, as she joined the two in the kitchen. "Ah, yes. You're correct." Py confirmed, even nodding to the stack on the plate next to the stovetop. "They look delicious, thank you-!"

Ballora was interrupted by the 'Minireenas' hurrying into the kitchen, having heard their mother's question a second ago. "Are we's having french toast?!" Tina asked, her and her sisters giving their grandpa an expectant look. He chuckled. "Yes, I've made us all french toast. How does that sound?"

"Good!" They jinxed. Puppet turned his attention to his daughters, now with his coffee in hand. "How about you girls set the breakfast table while your grandpa finishes making breakfast." He suggested. Ballora nodded in agreement. "That sounds like a good idea, right girls?" The four of them all nodded. "We'll do it!" They answered.

Ballora then went about grabbing some plates from the higher cupboards, passing them to Lucette and Rosette, while Mina and Tina went to get enough utensils for everyone. Py was distracted a moment, watching his granddaughters gladly going about setting the table. He was smiling, a bit more sincerely than usual.

His son then gently nudged his shoulder in passing, nodding towards the skillet. "Toast's burning." Puppet told him. Py quickly turned his attention back to the food, before it could burn. Though, he didn't miss his son's subtle smirk of amusement obviously at his expense. Py merely shook his head, and quietly chuckled to himself.

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