Chapter Nine

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  It had been a mere half day of working at the LABS. Not that it was anything unusual, as in his position of technically lesser qualification, there were more half days than full days with the research team of Monsters. As for the rest of the time, the Marionette busied himself with work that was more closer to Asgore—legal type work.

As important as having that sort of legal work to do with Anthros being residents of Newer Home and all, especially now with the brewing legal case against Fazbear Entertainment, Puppet still found himself enjoying more when it came to work regarding the usual research around SOUL Magic. Specifically the Anthros' type, which was different, according to Dr. Gaster.

Exiting the building as timely as he'd arrived that morning, Puppet began his usual trek down the sidewalk to head home. On most days, he'd go home to make lunch enough for himself and Ballora, before heading to the school to meet her on her lunch break. This time, however, she'd let him know the myriad of activities being had with many different classes, and that she'd be unable to meet with him that afternoon.

Lunch for one it was, then. Puppet hummed in thought, stopping the start of his walk home. Maybe he'd simply eat out instead, and push back any meal making mess for dinner. The idea was appealing. With this decision made, Puppet turned around to head in the direction of mainstreet.

He spotted someone coming up the sidewalk, stopping in front of the LABS. Puppet smiled, going to catch up with him. "Dad," Py heard his son call. He looked and saw him approaching. "Ah, there you are." He answered. "I've caught up with you at a bad time, haven't I?" Puppet shook his head 'no'. "Nope, I'm free the rest of the day. Why, what's going on?"
"Oh, I'm glad," Py said. "It's nothing, really, just that, er..." Puppet gave him an inquisitive look. Py sighed a little, and shrugged. "I was merely wondering if anything's come of that 'old lead' you mentioned...?" He asked him. "Hm, well, I think so." Puppet answered. He then took a bit of a glance around. "But eh, maybe we should go sit down somewhere to talk about this?"

"I had that same idea," Py said, sounding subtly amused by their similar thinking. "And, I was going to propose that we take coffee at the cafe, on our way to the Library.." He offered. Puppet smiled a bit more, nodding. "That sounds great, thanks Dad." Py returned the nod. "Of course. And, thank you for helping me with this." He also thanked, as he and his son began their walk together.


With one hand being in her coat pocket, Sophie used her other to open the door of the cafe upon arriving. Helpy was in his usual spot, sitting on her shoulder. He had a few of the newly arrived pamphlets in his paws, which he and Sophie had been taking to different stores, businesses and community boards to pin up—starting in Newer Home. After the cafe, they'd go to the next town over.

A part of Sophie felt very unsure if posting up these pamphlets in places people, humans, could see, wouldn't be some sort of a danger to Anthros. After all, anybody could see those advertisements. Sophie had to remind herself of all the work being done for both the safety of Monsters and Anthros, so stressing over this small thing would do her no good.

And anyway, the pamphlets only did so much good being put up around Newer Home. If they were put out in other places, the chances of them being seen by Anthros who'd need the shelter as a roof over their heads were obviously better.

Sophie had begun making her way past the small line of customers inside the cafe, in search of Chica, when she stopped to notice how busy it seemed. Chica was behind the counter alongside Toy, helping her tend to the customers. So, Sophie simply stood a little to the side, opting to maybe wait for a lull in customer orders before getting Chica's attention.

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