Chapter Five

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  Sophie and Helpy had been the last ones to arrive at the nearly completed, renovated building. It was built with red brick, and had two floors to it. There even seemed to be a roof access, though they couldn't quite tell from the parking lot. Judging by the size of the building, it was likely some kind of apartment or office building at one time. Now, it already seemed perfect for what they were using it for.

"Well, it looks like the right fit." Sophie commented, as her and Helpy got out of her car. "What do you think?" She asked the bear. Helpy answered with a thumbs up, and an enthusiastic nod 'yes'. Sophie took note of the few other cars parked in the lot around them. "Seems the others are all here, let's head inside."

Inside the complex, a group consisting of three Monsters and two Anthros were gathered—engaged in casual, yet constructive conversation. Asgore had called for Freddy and the Marionette to join them in meeting Sophie at the 'new' building, however only the bear could make it.

Seeing as word of a possible shelter for Anthros had already begun quietly being shared, Gus had asked to come along for this meeting. He was warmly welcomed. Gus was glad to be helping, as the idea of Sophie's plan had him excited about this, ever since Ella mentioned the idea in passing.

Along with both bears being present, as well as Lato—a wolf-like monster who led the reno team—Toriel had also offered her own help. The kind monster always made herself ready to help in any instance involving charity, and helping any of their kind in need. She had helped arrange things for the Anthros' initial arrival to Newer Home, which both Asgore and Sophie had been very grateful for. So, with a project like this, Toriel made no question of helping ensure it could be executed.

The sound of the door opening echoed through the building's foyer, thanks to the lack of any furniture. Everyone turned to see Sophie finally joining them. She and Helpy waved 'hello' while walking into the foyer.

"Sorry, I hope I'm not too late." Asgore chuckled, shaking his head 'no'. "Do not worry, you are perfectly on time." He assured her. Sophie sighed, more comically than sincerely, in reply. "We were just waiting for you before taking a tour of the building." Freddy added. "Gotcha. So," Sophie turned her attention towards the wolf monster. "You're Lato?"

"Sure am," Lato replied. "Been makin' sure things get done all nice 'n right 'round here. Trust me, this buildin' is gon' be in perfect condition for this new shelter, miss." Sophie smiled. "Great. Thank you, Lato." He nodded.

"Very well, then," Asgore spoke again. "Shall we take a tour around, now that we're all here?" Everyone answered in agreement to his suggestion, while Toriel promptly gestured to Lato. "Lato, if you'll please?" He gladly gestured for all to follow him. "Right. This way, folks."

The tour began on the ground level. Its layout was mostly open concept, with the foyer leading out into an area perfect for a sort of lounging area. Where Anthros could simply gather and be in one another's company. A bay window had been put in, allowing natural light during the day.They'd left it to still have proper room to set up curtains to close it in the evening.

There was an archway at the far end of the lounge room, which led into a dining area. The wood panel floor was cut off at the threshold, where the rest of the flooring was linoleum. There were a few windows along one side of the dining area, and directly across from them was a counter window—an access to the kitchen. Its paneling was currently closed.

The door beside the serving window led into the spacious kitchen. Practically fully functional, it was the most furnished room the group had seen thus far. There was plenty of counter space, including an island in the middle, and industrial sized appliances; the dishwasher, oven, fridge and freezer. The space between the counters and appliances looked adequate enough, should the kitchen be full of volunteers at work cooking.

The group backtracked out of the kitchen, then passed through a door. It led to the south staircase access to the upper floor. A hallway, with six doors in total, met them at the top. Three doors were on their left, three on their right. Four of the doors led into empty rooms with two windows at the far wall across from the door. Perfect for sleeping quarters. Each of the rooms had a secondary door leading into the bathrooms situated in between them. Lato explained how these bathrooms were nearly completed, with just a few things plumbing-wise remaining to be fixed.

Having taken their look around the upper floor, Lato led the group back downstairs via the north stair access. It led back to the foyer. Toriel had noted, in passing, how the space could be used for an information desk and welcome area for anyone arriving. There was already an unused, curved desk in the corner built for just this thing.

Partly behind the desk, was a door for another staircase which led down into the basement. It wasn't anything special, simply a good space for any storage needs, and also where all the immediate access to the plumbing, as well as part of the electrical work, could be found.

When the tour was said and done, the group found themselves back in the foyer. Lato clapped his hands together and shrugged. "Well, that was the entire building." He said. "What do we all think, here?" Everyone in the group was looking at each other, all wanting to see what the general consensus seemed to be. Gus spoke up first. "I think this place is great!"

"Dido!" Sophie agreed, at the same time as Helpy giving a double thumbs up. Gus happily gave the little bear a small fist bump in response to his enthusiasm. Toriel laughed a little, but nodded. "Yes, I think this building will do just fine for what we need it." She commented happily. "And of course, you and your crew have done a fine job, here Lato."

"Thank ya, Ma'am." Lato thanked, with a smile. "And hey," Freddy chimed in. "The Autumn Market is coming up in a few days. I say it would make a perfect opportunity to more formally announce this project." Asgore hummed, seeming to like the bear's idea. "Maybe we could even ask for donations, if people want to give," Gus added. "Not just money, but even furniture or clothes?"

"That is a wonderful suggestion, you two." Toriel complimented. "If you are in agreement, Asgore, then I will see about arranging for this during the Market." Asgore smiled. "Yes, thank you, Tori."

The conversation continued on, Lato explaining again what was left in regards to the renovations and how much longer until the building was ready for use. Sophie had been listening to everyone speaking, and was about to chime in with a question of her own, when her phone began to ring.

In a brief panic, she quickly took her phone from her pocket to see who it was. The contact displayed the contact listing; 'Boss'. Sophie blinked a few times. "Oh, um, will you all excuse me for a minute?" Freddy nodded, and waved her off. Sophie gave a curt wave back, before leaving the building alone—Helpy had at some point wound up on Gus's shoulder during the tour.

Once outside, Sophie pressed 'answer' and held her phone to her ear. "Yes?" She answered. "Ah, Sophie. Hope I didn't interrupt anything." Sophie was going to give some half-made up answer of 'no', but Dale simply continued talking without letting her reply. "I'm just calling to say that the night shift called in, and I need someone to cover it."

"There was seriously no one else available to come in?" Sophie wondered. "Nope. Not unless anyone had been willing to do a double—which none of them were." Sophie rolled her eyes a little. "So, you're coming in, right?" She hesitated briefly. "... I can't." There was a pause on the other end. "What?"

"I'm not scheduled, it's my day off." Sophie reminded him. "Also, I don't do night shifts on weekends anymore. So, I'm sorry. You'll have to get someone else." She stated. "I'm calling you because there isn't anyone else, Sophie. Come on, you're always willing to take an extra shift, right?" Sophie held back an audible huff. "I'm busy all day with some important stuff and won't be able to get to work on time for a night shift. Again, sorry."

Unlike Sophie's polite decision to not huff over the phone, Dale didn't pay her the same courtesy. And after said huff, from frustration, he simply said to her, "Fine." Before Sophie could say a word more, the call ended. She shook her head, pocketing her phone. "This job is really starting to get on my nerves...!" She quietly lamented to herself.

Sophie took a moment to simply take a calming breath before heading back inside. She wasn't going to let a brief phone call with Jenson sour her mood the rest of the day, not when she was here helping with preparations for the Shelter. The moment she felt herself relax a little, Sophie turned around to rejoin the group. She'd think about work later.

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