Chapter Four

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  Helpy was mustering as much of non-nervous a smile he was able to, as this very, very big Boss Monster handed him a surprisingly small cup of Golden Flower Tea. The little bear was surprised they even made teacups this small—he could easily hold it in his small paws. Though Asgore was very gentle and kind, the contrast in their sizes intimidated Helpy a little.

Sure, being small had it's downsides. But Helpy hardly thought about it anymore. He'd learned to be content with his little life a long time ago. Now, however, he would nearly feel not larger than an ant had it not been for Sohpie sitting beside him on Asgore's office sofa.

"I do apologize if my appearance intimidates you, little one." Asgore said to the small bear. Sophie glanced down at her friend, finally noticing how nervous he seemed. Helpy shrugged.

"Enjoy the tea. I prepared it myself." Helpy nodded quickly, and took a sip of the warm tea. His little ears perked up. Sophie smirked. "Tastes good, doesn't it?" The little bear nodded. "It is an old recipe that was passed down. I always ensure I am able to serve it whenever I meet with people, or when I have guests." Helpy smiled in thanks.

"Now, then," Setting down his own cup on the desk, Asgore clasped his hands in his lap. "What is it you wished to discuss with me, Sophie?" Helpy looked up at Sophie as she began to speak. "Well, I had an idea I wanted to share. To see if it was maybe something that we could make happen."

"Very well, and what is this idea?"

"A shelter, or halfway house for Anthros." Asgore hummed. Sophie continued. "Since, there's still many Anthros who are probably looking for their families, but at the same time are still really distrustful of Humans. And maybe some can't instantly be trusting when they hear of Newer Home." She explained. "So, I had the idea that we should open a shelter just outside of town. That way, there's a safe place for them to gather to while they figure out what to do next."

Asgore took his teacup in his hand again, and sipped the tea as he considered the idea. Sophie began to get a bit nervous the longer the brief silence passed, worried he would reject the idea. Asgore had a very pensive look on his face, one which might look somewhat doubt filled. The Monster King slowly began nodding.

"That is a very excellent idea," Asogre told her. "I believe it could hold great benefit for any Anthros needing help in finding their way. What's more, it would be a wonderful charity service." Sophie smiled, glad that he was liking the idea.

"I also thought that maybe, since we are trying to make this a safe place for Anthros, that it'll need to be run by either other Anthros, or Monsters—or of course both." Sophie explained further. Asgore nodded. "Certainly, I can understand why." He agreed. "So, eh," With a shrug, Sophie exchanged a quick look with Helpy, who gave her a little thumbs up. "That's all I had thought of for this idea, so far."

"It is quite the idea, Miss Grant," Asgore said. "And of course, there are other factors we must consider for this. As, aside from the budgeting we must do for such a project, we will also need the proper building for it." Sophie quietly sighed a little. "Yeah, that part, especially, I'm unsure about..." Asgore shook his head, chuckling. "How funny. I myself am least worried in that area."

"You are? Or, aren't, or eh..." Sophie stopped herself before she could mumble any more. Helpy took the initiative of gesturing for Asgore to go on—then sipping from his small teacup again. "You see, the town purchased a somewhat run down building just on the outskirts. Its renovations are nearly completed, however I hadn't the faintest idea what we would use it for," Asgore nodded to Sophie. "Until our conversation here, today."

Sophie's expression lit up. "Wow... That's perfect!" She said. "Alright, then what about the financial side you were just mentioning? Oh, then we have to plan for volunteers, and donations for food, and bedding and clothes. And, then we also-" Asgore politely stopped her.

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