Chapter Six

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  Newer Home was being treated well by the season that year. There were no more green leaves in sight, instead only browns and oranges as the leaves continued to fall from the branches. And yet, it happened to not be unbearingly cold yet—as autumn would often times got by this point It was a greatly fortunate thing for all who came together for the Fall Market.

Thanks to recent events, the date of the weekend market had gotten pushed back. Some had been worried of it being canceled altogether, but in the end, here they all were for another year. Even if it was belated.

It wasn't a huge ordeal. The vendors were all owners of Newer Home's local shops and businesses. Ever since its beginning, humans had been welcome to attend as a vendor, or as a customer. There had been a couple in years past, but this year wasn't one of them. Not vendors, that is.

Sophie had just gotten a to-go cup of hot chocolate being sold from the stall for Newer Home's Bakery—run by Rou. And for Helpy, she bought him a fresh Cinnabun. A bit of a cool breeze had started to pick up, thankfully after having gotten their warm delights. Of course, Sophie was also kept comfortably warm by her fall coat, and scarf. As well as Helpy, who she'd lended one of her smaller scarves to.

The two began simply walking along, taking a look at what all was being offered at this year's Market. "There's always some cool stuff at this Market, I think it's one of my favorites to go to." Sophie commented. "Like, there's this unique variety that you won't see at markets in other towns. It's so neat!"

Helpy was in agreement with what Sophie said. He could already see all kinds of handmade treasures and goods in the different stalls. There was even one that was selling the most random variety of stuff. The stall was being run by smaller monsters, all looking near identical to each other, wearing blue and yellow striped shirts. Their stall's sign had the words 'Tem Stoll :3' painted on it.

The bear's attention was brought away from the Temmies, when Sophie greeted a different seller at a smaller stall. "Hey, Chica!" Helpy looked to see Chica and Toy tending to a humble amount of baked goods. Mainly a few pies, and different kinds of cookies. "Hi, Sophie," Chica greeted in return. "I was wondering when we were gonna see you around."

"Oh, yeah?"

"Yes! Wouldn't you be here for the announcement about the 'project'?" Chica wondered, sporting a knowing smile. Sophie shook her head a little. "Seems we don't need to announce it, at this point. Everyone already knows about it." They shared a laugh over the comment.

"So, how's business so far?" Sophie asked, while looking over what was still available. "Very good, I'm glad to say." Chica told her, with Toy adding, "We sold out of muffins a little bit ago, actually." Sophie nodded. "That's great. Hm," She noticed something. "Not selling peanut butter cookies today?" Chica and Toy exchanged a look with each other, before Chica simply said, "Oh no, we had peanut butter cookies."

"Ah. Hot item?"

"Something like that," Chica hummed. "Springtrap was by, earlier, mainly on Plushy's behalf." Sophie laughed. "Oh, of course." Helpy was puzzled over the context he was missing at that, but brushed it off for now.

The brief exchange between the four was about to continue on, when Sophie's phone rang from her coat pocket. "Oh, excuse me," She excused, taking out her phone and stepping aside to answer—also noticing who was calling her. "Hey, Lisa. What's up?"

"Hi, I was just giving you a quick call about something," Lisa replied. Sophie picked up on her almost cheery demeanor. "Oh yeah?" Her cousin continued. "I brought the idea up with my boss yesterday, and he said that he'll gladly allow pamphlets for that Anthro shelter, in the station's seating area." Sophie blinked. "Didn't I tell you, over text mind you, that this was a maybe project?"

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