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  Sophie had a warm drink in a to-go cup in hand, having had time to stop in at Chica's cafe upon her arrival into Newer Home that day. She'd even gotten a snickerdoodle cookie for Helpy, seeing as they had been fresh baked—and she'd noticed him eyeing the delicious pastries behind their display glass. And now, the two of them were heading down a hallway of Town Hall, in the direction of Asgore's office.

Walking up, Sophie knocked twice on the door. "You may come in." Came Asgore's reply. Doing just that, Sophie opened the door and entered the office space—being met with not just Asgore, but also Freddy. The bear gave her and Helpy a small wave 'hello' upon their entry, from where he was currently seated on the office's sofa with the Monster King. "Oh, hey, Freddy."

"Afternoon, Sophie." Sophie closed the door behind herself, then went over to take the last space on the sofa, beside the two. Helpy let himself down to sit on her lap, once she was sitting. "And hello, Helpy." Freddy added. Helpy gave the bear a smile, as well as a wave 'hello'.

"Now then," Asgore spoke up again. "I wouldn't wish to keep either of you too long. There was merely something I wanted both your opinions on." He explained to them. "Okay, what about?" Freddy wondered. "Just a final detail, in regards to the shelter. Something which I am fairly certain we've all realized, though have been unable to find time to discuss."

"I don't follow..." Sophie confessed, already a bit confused as to where Asgore was going with this. Asgore quietly chuckled, before clarifying. "There is no official name for the shelter. Not as far as I am aware, that is." There was a brief pause. Freddy and Sophie exchanged looks with one another, both realizing that he was right.

Freddy smirked. "Heh, I don't even know how we overlooked such a big detail as that." He said with a small shake of his head. "So, you called us here to come up with a name for the shelter, is that it?" Asgore nodded. "In way, yes."

"What?" Sophie asked. The Monster King continued. "See, I have already come up with a humble few names for the choosing. I simply wish to see what the two of you would think of them." He told them. "And, should none of them be satisfactory, you are welcome to propose ideas of your own."

"Oh, cool." Sophie hummed. "We're glad to help decide this, but I have a question." Freddy said. "How come you just want me and Sophie helping choose?" Asgore had a knowing look about him, hearing the bear's question.

He picked up the notepad from off the coffee table, and opened it to a specific page—where he'd written down the different candidate names for the shelter. He handed it to Freddy, both he and Sophie looking at the page. Freddy and Sophie were equally surprised to see a specific part of the name to be recurring in every sample.

Telling by their flattered expressions, Asgore was confident he'd taken the right decision with the shelter's name. "Well? Tell me, what do you two think of these names?"


It had been a pleasant, and peaceful lunch the three'd had. There was a slight excess in dishes to tidy afterwards, as Bonnie and Toy had opted in trying a new meal recipe for a change. Hence everyone now being in the kitchen. "I think I know what taste off."

"Yeah?" Bonnie continued, handing Toy a few wet salad spoons. "The dressing had too much vinegar. I think." Toy hummed, thinking about it as she gave the now dried spoons to Claire—who put them in the appropriate drawer. "Wait... Do you think we mixed up 'tablespoons' with 'teaspoons'?" Bonnie snorted. "Probably." Toy laughed, too. It was a small mistake to make, but was hardly one either had made before.

"Ah, well, we'll try teaspoons next time we try this recipe." Bonnie said, shaking his head. He handed off the last dish for Toy to dry. "Sounds like a good idea." She replied, her tone possessing some jokeful sarcasm.

You're Free, Here (Freedom AU Book 12)Where stories live. Discover now