Chapter Three

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  He'd returned to the sidewalk bench, located across from the Guard Station. The same bench he'd often find himself sat at while the search for all the missing Anthros had been ongoing. While located on a busy street, he still found it as perfect a place as any to sit and think.

Likely, this was why Py sat here again, now. To think. He always had done a lot of that, yet somehow still wound up living through things he regretted. Things he only prayed Puppet couldn't remember. No, it wasn't likely he did. Afterall, what does anyone remember from their early days of childhood?

Py was happy to be reunited with his son again, and being able to meet Ballora and his four sweet granddaughters. Truly, he was. But he didn't feel it was a gift he deserved. And he could tell Puppet picked up on this. Py shook his head. Of course his son was so perceptive of people. Not that it was surprising.

Puppet hadn't said or asked anything to Py, yet. Though, Py was dreading the moment he likely would... it nearly worried him to know the reason as to why Puppet had hardly asked anything of the rest of his family.

The doors to the Guard Station opened. Py watched as two off-duty Guard Monsters left, walking together and talking. Likely a lunch break. Then, Py watched as a couple cars on the street drove by. Mere insignificant things to let himself be distracted by. Before his thoughts spiraled any more.

In looking around for different distractions, Py noticed two bears walking up the sidewalk. It was Fredbear, walking alongside his mother, Bernadette. Py smiled a little, glad to see she was in good health. The last he'd heard of her, was when the humans took Fredbear and Freddy away from her family.

"If I'm being honest, Fredbear, I haven't the faintest idea of what we'd need to do for that." Bernadette said with a sigh. Her and Gold were walking together, seeing as it was a pleasant day out. Gold hummed. "Though, I certainly agree that they shouldn't be allowed to use our family name the way that awful company is doin'." Gold nodded. "No, they truly shouldn't be..."

The mother and son's conversation had quietly trailed off, mainly thanks to him noticing someone sat alone on a bench. Bernadette noticed him, too, nearly having a double take. Walking up, Py gave the two a nod 'hello'. Bernadette smiled. "Well, I'll be...! Pyped," Gold blinked, not having expected her to know his name. Py stood up to be polite. "Hello, Bernadette. It's wonderful to see you again." Py greeted in return. "I could certainly say the same for you, now couldn't I?"

Gold held up a hand, politely butting in. "Sorry, I eh, didn't realize you two already knew each other." Bernadette laughed a little, patting her son's arm. "Oh, we used to know Py and Sana for a time, your father and I did." Py shifted a bit on his feet, hearing Bernadette mention her. "Why, I haven't seen you since..." Her expression fell a little. "Well, you know."

"... Yes, I remember." Py sighed a little. "Though, no sense lingering on the past... You're with your sons now, yes?" Bernadette nodded and smiled, then feeling Gold giving her hand a gentle squeeze. "Oh yes, believe me, I'm grateful for every day that I have, being with my children again." Gold smirked.

"Well, I'll let you both continue with your afternoon, together." Py told them. He offered another nod, this time in farewell. "Thank you, have a good afternoon, too." Gold said in return, before Py left them—walking the way he and his mom had come from.

As he walked, Py couldn't help but think of what he'd heard Gold mention a moment before their brief interaction. About the company still using the Fazbear name. An idea popped into his mind. Instead of continuing his walk back to his son's home, he was going to detour to the Librarby.


"Okay, so here's our pitch for Asgore," Sophie started, looking over her mostly-organized-notes on her laptop. "We want to open a shelter for Anthros with no homes, but we don't want to open it in Newer Home or Ebott City." Helpy was sitting beside her on the couch cushion, listening to her pitch.

"It has to be a place where they feel safe, and where they feel safe, and that will eventually help them get their footing again—and will help them find their families." Sophie skimmed her notes again. "It doesn't need to be huge, since the idea is that they stay here for a time before moving into Newer Home."

With a shrug, Sophie looked back down to Helpy. "How does this sound?" Ever supportive, Helpy gave her a prompt thumbs up. Followed by it was a shrug of his own, with a curious expression. "It's missing something...?" The small bear nodded. "Um..." Sophie thought for a moment. She realized what was missing. "Oh!"

She typed away again, adding another criteria for her idea. "There cannot be any humans on staff, obviously." Helpy smiled. "I think that's all the details it's going to need, for now. If this is actually given the green light, then we'll work out all the kinks." Sophie explained. She sat back against the couch, simply rereading all her notes for this idea.

"Yeah, I'm sure it'll be approved." Helpy quietly laughed a little at hearing Sophie assuring herself. She vaguely gestured to her laptop screen. "I don't see why it wouldn't." Helpy patted her leg in a supportive manner. Sophie laughed. "Thanks, pal-"

Sophie's phone rang, nearly catching her by surprise. She sat up, and grabbed it to see who was calling. "O-Oh, it's Asgore-!" She quickly pressed "answer", and put the call on loudspeaker. "Hi, there!"

"Good afternoon, Sophie." Came the baritone, yet still kind sounding voice of the Monster King himself. "How are you doing, today?" He politely asked her. "Oh, I-I'm good, thank you. Yourself?" Sophie heard him chuckle. "I am well, thank you." He responded. "And, I received your message, hence why I am calling."

"Ah, right." Sophie quietly cleared her throat. "I was just wondering if you're available to meet, since there's something I wanted to discuss." She explained to him. "I can make the time, yes. I imagine it's something of some importance if you wish to meet with me officially." Asgore commented, sounding genuinely curious. "Yes, I think it is. When's a good time?"

"Are you available tomorrow morning?"

"Tomorrow morning sounds good." Sophie replied. "Excellent. Tomorrow morning at 10:30, you'll be here?" Asgore asked to clarify. "Will do. Thank you, sir." Sophie answered. "You are welcome. I will see you tomorrow, then." After short 'goodbye's, Sophie hung up the call.

Helpy looked up at her curiously. "That was Asgore," Sophie confirmed for him. The bear chuckled a little, somewhat nervously. "I'm sure he sounded kind of intimidating. He kinda looks like it, too," Sophie agreed. "But he's really kind, and friendly. You'll see."

Helpy blinked. He then gestured to himself and Sophie. "Yes, you're coming with me. You're helping me out with this, aren't you?" Helpy smiled and nodded. "Right! So, tomorrow, me and you are going to meet Asgore."

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