Chapter Two

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  "How's your muffin?" Helpy smiled, chewing his bite of a honey nut muffin. He gave Sophie a thumbs up. "Chica's recipes are pretty good." Sophie commented, before taking a sip of her lemonade. She took another glance towards the entrance of the cafe again, as her and Helpy were waiting for the possible arrival of Gus, B-Bon and Ella.

Having wanted to bring Helpy to meet Gus, the two had unfortunately turned up when Gus was out for the day. Fritz informed them that he'd likely be at the cafe around noon-time with Ella and Bon Bon, as the three would often do between party gigs—when booked. So, Sophie and Helpy went over to the cafe to wait patiently.

"Do you wanna know something I really like about this town?" Sophie asked, starting a new conversation topic. The small bear nodded. "It's really cool how more and more Anthros are finding their way here. The Monsters have done a great job making this town safe for them to settle down, y'know?" Helpy looked happy upon hearing that. As, barely a couple weeks prior, he'd been trying to figure out how to serve humans in exchange for a roof over his head. Now, he'd befriended one. Who also happened to be friendly among his kind.

"It's amazing seeing families reuniting slowly but surely," Sophie continued. "I mean, just recently, Puppet's father came to town. Well, I actually haven't met him yet... or seen him around, come to think of it," Sophie's brow furrowed a little. "But, I think Puppet just said he's kind of reserved. Anyways."

She noticed how something had now caught Helpy's attention. Turning towards the door again, the three they were waiting for arrived to the cafe. "Oh-!" With a friendly wave, Sophie managed to catch Bon Bon's attention. The bunny smiled, promptly waving back before getting Gus and Ella to notice her. "Hey, guys!"

"Hi, Sophie!" Gus didn't wait for an invitation before heading to sit at Sophie's table. Ella did the same. "I've got someone new for you to meet," Sophie told them, gesturing to her small friend—who was sitting on a few books that were stacked on the booth seat along the wall.

"This is Helpy," Helpy waved, though a bit shyly. B-Bon made his way off Gus's shoulder, and sat beside the small bear. "Hey! I'm Bon Bon, nice to meet ya!" The bunny held a paw out for him to shake. Helpy did so. "That's Ella," Bon Bon gestured to her. "It's nice meeting you, buddy!" Then, the bunny gestured on over to his best friend. "And, that's Gus Gus..."

"Hi, Helpy! Welcome to Newer Home." Gus greeted, also shaking the little bear's hand. Meanwhile, the bunny had paused—eyes narrowing. Sophie noticed him glancing to Helpy, then to Gus, and back to Helpy again. Then back up to Gus for good measure. "Something the matter, B-Bon?" Sophie asked, stifling an amused laugh. The bunny's eyes then widened, and he gasped somewhat dramatically. "Gus!"

"... Yeah?"
"I think Helpy's your long lost little brother!" Ella couldn't help but roll her eyes a little. "Great, here we go again...!" Sophie finally did laugh. "Hey, who said he couldn't be, Elles? Look at the two!" She said to her. Humoring her human friend, Ella looked at both Gus and Helpy. She hummed. "Weird... Helpy almost looks like Gus's little clone."

"He does?" Gus wondered, now taking a look at Helpy for himself. In doing so, he noticed how the small bear had shrunk a little under everyone's stares. "Huh, neat! Oh, and we're sorry for staring, Helpy." Helpy simply shrugged.

B-Bon lightly nudged his shoulder against the bear's. "Not much of a talker, are you?" Helpy shook his head a little. "Got it." Standing from the table, Ella said, "I'll be right back. Just gonna order our lunch." Gus gave her a thumbs up. "Thanks, Ella." Ella nodded, going to stand in the line for the front counter—being worked by Toy.

"So, Gus," Sophie began, getting Gus's attention again. "Does Helpy seem familiar to you at all?" With an apologetic expression, Gus shook his head 'no'. "He doesn't, sorry Sophie." Sophie sighed a little. "Ah, that's alright." She responded.

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