One - First day

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Jung Wooyoung. The quiet boy he is, slowly woke up. His alarm clock playing 'Fake Love' by BTS, he quickly turns it off as he sits up in bed, stretching and yawning wide. Wooyoung is a quiet shy boy, he finds it hard to get a long with people. He finished college/university about 2-3 months ago. And his mother sadly passed away last week.

He used to work at a coffee shop round the corner, he didn't get much money from it. And he got fired for accidentally spilling coffee over a customer. But Wooyoung, thank god, found a new job. A job that he didn't really wanna do, but he was gonna get a lot of money for it. So he accepted to do it. Well, his best friend, closest friend AND childhood friend, Kang Yeosang, also works there. He looks after a prisoner named 'Park Seonghwa' or something. And they get along well.

Wooyoung sighs as he throws the cover off him and gets out of bed. He decides to have a quick shower to wake him up a bit, and it did the trick. Kind of. He was feeling down lately. He got fired from a job he actually enjoyed, he barely has any food in his fridge and cupboards, his mother passed away last week, and his dog had gone missing last month. He really hated life at the moment.

He shrugged it off, as he quickly gets dressed into some random clothes. A white T-shirt and ripped jeans, tucking his shirt in the front and leaving it untucked at the back. Like he usually does, he doesn't know why, but he likes that kind of style. He then brushed his hair and made it tidy. He then put eyeliner on, like he usually does. He has heavy eyes as he hasn't slept that well last night.

He never sleeps well.

He then grabs his phone off charge and saw Yeosang calling. He quickly picked up, putting the phone to his ear.

"You okay Sang?" Woo asked, his croaky dry voice.

"Yeah. Well, since it's your first day today. I was wondering if I could pick you up and i can drive us there together?" Yeosang suggested.

"Okay.." woo said quietly. He can't say no anyway.

"Great! See you soon," Yeosang said before he hung up. Woo sighed as he put his phone in his pocket and made his way downstairs. Deciding to skip breakfast, he just put his shoes on and quickly tied them on. Leaving his house and locking it behind him. Waiting on the porch for Sang to arrive.

After 10 minutes, Yeosang arrived as Wooyoung walked over. Getting in the passenger as he clicked himself in and they drove.

"Morning. You excited for your first day?" Yeosang asked. Wooyoung rolled his eyes as he put his head against the seat and turned it, so he's staring out the window and watching the trees and bushes fly past quickly.

"Mhm." He hummed.


The rest of the car ride was silent, after a while, Yeosang turned the wheel as they drove into a massive car park. Not much cars were here, and Yeosang parked quickly. They got out the car as Wooyoung looked up and widened his eyes, seeing how big the asylum was.

Yeosang locked his car before he grabbed woo's wrist and dragged him inside.

Once they entered, Yeosang dragged him over to the front desk where a man was sitting there, typing on his computer. He soon looked up and smiled softly.

"Hello Yeosang. And...?" The man asked.

"Wooyoung." Woo quickly said.

"Ah. Wooyoung. Wait, Jung Wooyoung?" Wooyoung nodded. The man made an 'O' shape with his mouth and stood up, smiling brighter.

"Well hello Wooyoung. Your first day right?" He asked. Wooyoung gulped and slowly nodded, nervously.

"Great! I've heard great things about you. My name is Hongjoong. Kim Hongjoong. I work here, at the front desk. I hope Your excited, don't worry. You will be nervous and a little scared at first, but you will get used to it. Trust me. So, i got your badge ready." The 'Hongjoong' guy said as he grabbed something off the desk and handed it to Wooyoung. Wooyoung politely took it and looked at it. It was a badge, it was white with black writing 'Jung Wooyoung'.

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