Two - San's backstory

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This is just a chapter of San's backstory. It's probably not gonna be a long chapter, and I'll probably do a double update today. Maybe. After this chapter it goes back to the present. Enjoy.


His mother died while giving birth to him, his father blamed it on him and didn't look after him that well, so when San was a baby and toddler, his older brother had too look after him. When San turned ten years old, his father started abusing him and yelling at him a lot. San also got bullied at school, badly, and the only person that loved him and cared for him was his older brother. He had 4 friends at school.

When he was thirteen years old, his brother ran away from home and left San in the abusive crappy house hold. San was extremely upset and angry. The abuse and bullying got worse. He became emotionless, and he hurt himself all the time on purpose cause he thought he deserved it. He lost all 4 of his friends and he was left with no one. That's how it all started.

One school day at lunch, when his bullies were bullying with him, he grabbed the knife off his tray and stabbed them. And laughed psychopathically while doing so. He even licked the blood off the knife. He then searched the whole school and when he found his old four friends that betrayed and backstabbed him, he beat them to death while laughing hysterically. He then ran and escaped school and he returned home. Covered in blood and an evil smile.

When he entered home, he grabbed scissors from the kitchen before he walked to his father and slit his father's throat, and then stabbed him in the chest over and over and over while laughing evilly and loudly. He then ran away and hid from the police. After three months of running and hiding, he reunite with his brother, unexpectedly. But he was so angry and upset from when his brother abandoned him, he grabbed his brother's head and banged it against the brick wall 5 times and then stabbed him through his stomach, and licked his blood.

The police found him and arrested him. They found out that he was VERY insane, so they sent him to the insane asylum instead. San has been an asylum prisoner for 2 whole years now. He doesn't regret what he did, not one bit. San is a quiet prisoner. And he even has to take pills because of how crazy he is.



Who enjoyed San's past? Who found it sad?

I already hate this book, my other Woosan stories are definitely better

Anywayyy, see you again soon

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