Four - New Friends

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Woo saw as more workers came in and filled the empty seats around the table. The chatting was so loud, woo just stayed silent as he shyly and nervously ate. He hated eating in front of loads of people, especially ones he didn't know. It was alright with his friends and family, but not strangers.

Suddenly, on the empty seat on his right, someone sat next to him. And started immediately talking to him.

"Hi!" The person said.

"Hello." Woo said, without looking up. But he could feel the persons gaze on him.

"I've never seen you around. You new?" The person asked. Woo swallowed his food as he finally looked up and met eyes with the extremely handsome man, smiling at him widely.

"Yes.." woo said nervously and continued eating.

"Cool." The man said and  started to eat.

"What's your name?" The man asked after a while.

Woo hummed. "Wooyoung.." he said

"Oh nice." The man smiled "my name is Taehyung."

"Cool." Woo said quietly.


"We should be friends!" The 'Taehyung' named dude said, excitedly.

"Um.. sure." Woo said quietly.

"Tell me about yourself." Tae said.

"Well.. what do you wanna know?" Woo asked, again, quietly like usual.

"Anything. But first, do you wanna go somewhere that's more quiet? And less people?" Taehyung asked, Wooyoung looked up at him and slowly nodded.

"Come with me." Tae said as he stood up. Woo also stood up as they took their lunch boxes and left. Yeosang watched, suspiciously.

Taehyung and Wooyoung walked down the hallway, their shoes echoing loudly through the quiet empty hallway.

"Where are we going? Your not gonna murder me are you?" Woo asked, suddenly acting scared. Taehyung chuckled.

"No no." He shook his head "i won't. Promise. I really wanna be friends with you, and get to know you more. I'm not a murderer anyway." Taehyung said. Woo nodded as they entered a dark room. Tae turned the light on as they both stepped inside, shutting the door behind them. There was no one in here, but those two.

There was a table, and two chairs opposite each other. Then there were some weird posters on the wall. And it smelt nice, the lighting was good and it was medium size room.

Taehyung and Wooyoung walked to the table and sat opposite each other, continuing to eat.

"So. Tell me about yourself. I know your name, it's Wooyoung. But tell me random facts. Favourite colour? Favourite sport? Favourite song? Anything about yourself." Taehyung said. Wooyoung cleared his throat.

"Well, I'm Jung Wooyoung. As you know. My favourite colour is black, my favourite song is probably sweater weather or something, my favourite animal is a dog, I like Harry Potter, my favourite flower is a sunflower, I hate vegetables, especially cucumber," woo said.

"Cool. I'll tell you about myself." The handsome male said and he saw Wooyoung nod. He cleared his throat.

"My name is Taehyung. Kim Taehyung. My favourite colour is grey, my favourite song is probably singing in the rain, my favourite animal is probably a zebra, I love Gucci, i would seriously die for it. And.. yeah." Taehyung said, smiling widely.

"Nice." Woo looked up and smiled at him back. They then continued eating in silence.

Taehyung opened his mouth to speak again, but the door opened and the two males immediately looked round to see who it was.

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