Fifteen - Morse code

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It's already been another two days, Tae and Woo still hang out a lot and Woo kinda felt himself falling for Taehyung. He misses San, a lot, but he knew leaving the job was the best for them both. So woo is still trying to find a job but can't find one.

He is currently making some noodles, at his house, making it for his lunch. Suddenly the bell rung and knocked a couple times.

Wooyoung quickly went to the door and opened it, seeing a boy standing there. One he's never seen before.

The boy was incredibly attractive. He had a nice warming smile, jet black hair, the wind blowing it across his face, he has deep brown chocolate eyes and medium height. Wearing a white T-shirt and grey trousers.

"Are you okay sir? Do you need anything?" Woo asked with a smile, trying not to sound rude, since he wasn't trying to be rude.

"Nothing at all. I'm new to this neighbour hood and I was just wondering if we could be friends?" The unknown male asked.

Woo was confused.

New friends? I love new friends.

"Of course. I love having new friends." Woo replied.

"Thanks. Um, can i come in?" The male asked.

Woo didn't know why, or what it was, but looking at this dude he's never met or seen before, sent shivers up his spine.

A bad feeling..

Woo gulped but continue to fake a smile.

"I guess.."

San sighed, he's been writing random lines and dots on the wall for the past couple days now.

Someone enters his room. He doesn't bother to look round. Like he usually would when woo came inside..



"Hm?" He hummed, hearing Hongjoong's voice.

He heard footsteps approach him. Standing behind him, and he continued carving into the wall.

"What are you writing now?" Hongjoong asked.

San sighed and put the stick down, staring at the wall intensely.

"Stuff.." he replied, quietly.

"Hm. What do these lines and dots mean? Care to explain?" Joong asked, hands behind his back.


San gulped.

"It's—" he stopped himself and sighed "it's nothing. Im just bored... so.."

"Hm. Okay." Hongjoong nodded "anyway. You have another interview, it came last minute. So you need to come with me." Hongjoong said.

San closed his heavy eyes and took a deep breath.

He despises interviews.

"Okay.." he said, his voice all croaky.

It's now 8:12 pm. The boy that was named 'Jimin' left around two and a half hours ago.

Woo was laying in bed, scrolling through his phone.

The jimin dude was honestly very nice, cute and polite.

Woo got a message, so he clicked on it. He sat up in bed and smiled, realising it was from Taehyung.

Hi my favourite person~
How are you?
Sorry i couldn't visit you, i was very busy

It's fine.
By the way I'm doing good, what about you?

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