More Childhood Memories || Chapter 5

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~Back to school in 1977~

"Everybody, we have a new student, now I want you to all be nice and caring since she's a little shy." Mr Harris said as Y/n walked in quietly, she stood in front of the class shyly. "Introduce yourself dear." Mr Harris said softly, patting her shoulder. "I-I'm Y/n... I just moved here from New York..." She said quietly, fiddling with her string bracelet, it was a light pink fish braided string.

"Now Jennifer, I want you to be Y/n's welcome buddy! You'll help her make friends and get around the school." Mr Harris said, looking over At Jennifer Hayes who was sitting with to a bunch of other girls. "Okay." Jennifer said shrugging, Y/n sat next to her quietly while Jennifer just continued to talk to her friends, leaving Y/n out completely.

By lunchtime Y/n was sitting alone while all the other kids were playing, she was eating little heart shape cut strawberries and blueberries when Troy Walsh walked over. "So there is a new girl." Troy said, taking her fruit, she looked up at him confused. "D-do you want some?" She asked, not sure why he had come over to her and taken her food.

"No, I'm making fun of you." Troy said, looking at James who shrugged. "Oh, okay." She said, taking her fruit back. "You're meant to be upset!" Troy said, pushing her off the bench she was sat on, she fell in some dirt and scraped her palms. "Owww!" She cried out, looking at her dress with was now dirty and beginning to cry.

Troy and James backed away before running off, leaving her crying on the ground, Mike walked past and saw her, he walked over to her and helped her up. "You met Troy I guess." Mike said as she wiped her face, she sniffled looking at him. "T-they took my fruit..." She said sadly, looking over at her now empty container. "Yeah, they took mine last week..." He said shrugging.

~Later In 1979~

"Y/n, what's with these ribbons in your hair? You always have one." Mike said, playing with Y/n's hair as she drew, they were hanging out in his basement. "I just like wearing ribbons in my hair." She said shrugging, she had drawn a photo of them all as their D&D characters. "You're getting better at drawing, nearly as good as Will." Mike said, looking at the drawing with a smile.

Nancy came in with some snacks and smirked. "Oooo~ Mike's got a girlfriend" Nancy teased, putting the snacks down. "She's not my girlfriend!" Mike said, clearly embarrassed. "Tell that to your cheeks, you're clearly blushing!" Nancy said, poking him. "Shut up!" Mike said, shoving her hand away. "Mwah mwah mwah, oh Y/n I love you soooo much!" Nancy said, mocking and teasing him.

After that, he stopped hanging out with Y/n, stopped talking to her all together. Dustin tried to convince him to invite Y/n over but every time he tried Mike would give him a sour face and tell him to drop it. Saying he had banned Y/n from any future campaigns and didn't want to hang out with her anymore. It was weird.

"But you're like... her best friend?" Lucas said, sitting up. "Not anymore." Mike said, not even giving them an explanation why.

~In Summer of 1981~

"What the hell Mike!" Y/n yelled when Mike shoved her out of the way. "Sorry Y/n, Mike's having... an off week?" Dustin said, not sure what to call his random outbursts. "You don't have to apologise for him." Y/n said softly, smiling at Dustin. He smiled back and followed after the others with a small pink tint to his cheeks.

~Later That Week~

"Ugh! Why is she everywhere we are!" Mike yelled, storming out of the comic store. "Well, her older brother works there." Lucas said following along with his new comics as well as Dustin and Will. "Well it's annoying." Mike complained walking to his bike. "I think it's pretty cool, she probably gets discounts from her brother." Dustin said, climbing onto his bike.

"If you think she's so cool why don't you just hang out with her!" Mike yelled, riding off on his bike. "God, he's starting to be such a buzzkill..." Lucas said quietly as they all follow him.

~In Fall of 1984~

"Since when did Y/n's brother work at the arcade?" Dustin said, looking over at Y/n as she talked to one of her older brothers. "Who cares, it's not like she'd play any of these." Mike said, looking over at the high-scores on dig-dug. "Woah! Y/n's first on the leaderboard for Pac-Man!" Lucas said, looking at the leaderboard, Mike, Will and Dustin all ran over and looked.

"It seems like she's fighting for first with 'Mad-Max' on most of the games. Half of them are dominated by her then the other is dominated by 'Mad-Max'..." Will said, looking at all the games near them. "She's obviously cheating, her brother works here, he's probably giving her cheats." Mike said, clearly just wanting a reason to hate Y/n more.

"No way... Y/n wouldn't cheat, she plays fair, everyone knows that..." Dustin said, looking over at Y/n. Mike rolled his eyes and put some quarters in the game. "She's beginning to piss me off more and more." He muttered under his breath, playing the game while the others looked at all the leaderboards.

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