Childhood Friends || Chapter 4

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~The summer of 1977~

It was late noon and 6 year old Mike was playing with his new Novelty Radio he had just gotten it after weeks of begging for it when the doorbell rang. He sped down the stairs and jumped up and down excitedly, watching his mom open the door. "Oh! Hello Margaret! Awww and this must be little Y/n huh?" His mom said, Mike didn't know who either of them were, he thought it would be Will.

He tugged on his mom's apron, wanting to know who these people were. "Yes Mikey?" His mom said looking down at him, smiling softly. "Who are they?" He asked quietly, looking at them. "This is my old friend Margaret and her daughter Y/n. She's your age." His mom said, pointing at the little girl hiding behind the older woman, the girl looked shy and timid, her face was a little pink.

"Why don't you two go play out in the yard while we catch up." His mom said, leading him and the girl outside, when their mothers went inside the girl stayed quiet. "So, do you like hide and seek?" Mike asked, looking at the girl, she kept her head down. Her posture was mousy, she was wearing a white dress with pink flowers along with a matching pink cardigan, he assumed she didn't want to get it dirty.

"...How about we go inside? I have some toys and games in my room." Mike said, grabbing her hand and leading her inside and up to his room, her skin was soft, softer than his mom's skin, he was surprised since most people he knew didn't have skin as soft as hers. He walked over to his toy box and looked through it, he took out a board game and turned around.

When he did he saw her holding his teddy bear, it was one he had won at the carnival a few weeks ago. "That's Mister T, I won him at the carnival." Mike said quietly, sitting on his carpet and setting the board game up. "Looks like a teddy my best friend had." She said shyly, putting it down and sitting with him. "So... are you going to Hawkins Elementary? We might end up in the same class." He said quietly as they played the board game.

"I think so... my mommy said that she wants me to have a fresh start here in Hawkins." She said quietly, rolling the dice, they continued to talk and play for a while before they were called downstairs for dinner, Mike's older sister, Nancy was teasing him about being friends with a girl for the first time while his mom was asking about how Y/n's mom is since her divorce.

After dinner Y/n and Mike were still at the table. "Mike, Y/n is moving to your school, so I want you to help her make friends." His mom said as she finished her glass of wine with Y/n"s mother. "B-but... I can hardly make friends..."
Mike mumbled, watching his mom run the water to fill the sink to do the dishes before sending him up to play with Y/n.

They finished the board game before she had to go home, her mother came up to get her. "Come on Y/n dear. It's time to head home." Her mother said, her voice was gentle and kind as they walked downstairs. "Thanks for having us for dinner, it was lovely catching up and meeting your family. I'm sorry my boys couldn't come, they had given each other a terrible stomach bug." Y/n's mother said, as Y/n held her hand tightly.

"T-thank you for the yummy meal... and thank you for playing with me." Y/n said shyly. "No problem, you two can come over whenever!" His mom said happily, patting Y/n head before she left. Mike watched them walk across the street, seeing that they lived in the old house up the road.

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