Schemes and Screams || Chapter 6

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~Eleven and Max Pov!~

"But... we broke up like five days ago and he's already got a new girlfriend." El said, not understanding how Mike could move on so quickly. "Relax, it's probably just so he can make you jealous." Max said, fixing the tv. "Let's spy on her." El said, grabbing her blindfold. Max put the tv onto the static channel and sat with El.

"It's not my fault your bike didn't have brakes." Y/n said, El saw her with an older guy who was fixing a broken bike chain. "Yeah, well maybe don't be stupid and use it without asking, I was going to use this bike for spare parts!" The older guy said, standing up. "Whatever." Y/n said, handing him a cloth to wipe his hands.

"Ahh! Oh my god! There's a spider on me!" Y/n screamed, running into the guy. "Get it off! Get it off!" She cried, panicking as the tiny spider crawled up her arm. "Chill out Y/n, it's a harmless one." The guy said, scooping it up and putting it away. "I don't care! You said you got rid of the spiders!" She said, clearly frightened. "I did, this is a garage, Y/n." He said, sighing.

"You know I'm terrified of spiders!" She said, wiping her arms anxiously. "Yeah yeah yeah. You really need to get over this spider thing little sis." The guy said, ruffling her hair, she rolled her eyes and followed him out of the room. El took off the blindfold and laughed.

"What?" Max asked, watching El put the blindfold away. "She's afraid of spiders." El said, looking over at Max. "So..." Max trailed off understanding where she was getting at. "I have an idea!" She said, getting up and going the the phone, El following close behind. Max dialled a number and let the phone ring getting an answer at the second ring.

"Hello." Lucas' voice came through. "Hey Lucas, it's Max." She said, twirling the phone string. "Oh! Hey Max!" Lucas said, seeming more happy now. "I was just calling to say sorry and I was hoping we could get back together..." Max said, smiling at El as she got confused. "Oh uh yeah! Sure!" Lucas said, she could practically hear his grin.

"Why don't we hang out tomorrow?" She said, knowing he'd be with Mike. "Yeah, you can hang out with all of us, at Mike's!" Lucas said excitedly. "Can I bring El?" She asked, smirking. "Uh, yeah! That'll be great!" Lucas said, Max high-fived El as she began to understand. "Right well, see you tomorrow then!" Max said happily. "See ya!" Lucas said before they hung up.

"Y/n is definitely gonna be there, now all we need is a spider." Max said, looking around. "There's heaps here." El said, following her to the kitchen, they got a box to put it in and caught a pretty big wolf spider. "Perfect." Max said, shutting the box. "Now, tomorrow we'll play some game like truth or dare, something like that." Max said, setting the box down.

"Then we'll ask Y/n what's she's afraid of, she'll say nothing because knowing her she likes to be known to be brave. Then we release the spider and you use your powers to make it go to her." Max said as they got ready for bed. "That's perfect." El said, grabbing out of pyjamas, It was a good thing that she lived in a cabin in the woods.

There's spiders everywhere in the woods so it made this plan so much easier. Max and El got ready for bed and went to sleep, exhausted from searching for that spider. They really hoped this plan would work out and hoped nothing bad happened. Maybe they should have researched about the spider before deciding that it was the perfect plan, El really hoped nothing would happen.

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