Super short chapter because this is super straight forward. If you're using the Bible to hate, you're using it wrong. The most important commandment is to love thy neighbor as yourself.
Oh so Leviticus says homosexuals should be stoned? It also says let he who is without sin cast the first stone, meaning you cannot hate and discriminate because everyone has sin. Guess what else the Bible(Leviticus in particular) says is "sinful?"
Shrimp is also described as an "abomination." Oh you're allergic to shellfish? How about pork? Sinful. Oh so you're vegan? Good for you. Have you ever worn ripped clothes? You have!? You monster!!! That's a sin! If you've been "sinless" thus far congratulations. I guess you've bested me. Oh wait one last thing. Clothing of mixed fiber is an abomination too. So pretty much all clothes nowadays.
So those are a few other sins to go get killed for. Actually they're not because (for Christians, for Jews, bravo you win this round, but just know that hatred is also a sin, in fact wrath is a deadly sin, represented by Satan so go ahead and do that) Jesus said nothing about all this. What He did say was to disregard whatever He has not taught us because in the New Covenant to forgive our sins, He erased the Old in place of the New. The Beatitudes are there to guide is in our way of living, and they are devoid of hate and punishment.
In conclusion, the Bible is not and should nit be used for hate.
Accept Us
RastgeleJust a few legitimate reasons why homosexuality and all other non-straight sexualities should be accepted and does nothing but good for society.