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Yoda could feel it through the force.

The death of Qui-Gon.

It was a shock, yet, he pushed his feelings of sadness away for now.

The master of the order entered his room.

"Felt it, you have?"

Mace nodded to the little green grandmaster.

While not very close with Qui-Gon, Mace did consider him a friend, even if he didn't agree with his fellow master's words or actions.

"Hm..." Yoda hummed in thought as he waited for the korun master to speak.

"We should prepare to leave, the rest of the council would have felt it as well."

Yoda agreed.

He mostly worried about Dooku, how he'd take this.

His former student would be heavily distraught, and likely blame the council, as he was already disillusioned with them.

So he rose and left the room with Mace, as they made their way to the hangar.


"What's going to happen to me now?"

"I'm not sure. But I will train you Anakin, I promise."

Yoda frowned ever so slightly at the exchange.

This occurring during the funeral.

He also spoke with Mace.

"Qui-Gon was right, the Sith have returned and we were blind to it."

Yoda sighed silently, knowing it was the truth.

"Always two, there are."

He watched as Qui-Gon's body kept burning into ashes.

"A master, and an apprentice."

Mace looked in thought.

"But which was destroyed? The master, or the apprentice?"

Yoda took a guess.

"If the master it was, not standing with us, would Obi-Wan be."

Mace nodded in agreement.

It has been a millennia since they'd seen the sith, enough for them to let their guards down and tragedy to strike.

Following the funeral he spoke to Obi-Wan in private.

The young Padawan was as stubborn as his master on the matter.

The training of Skywalker.

Yoda didn't like how Obi-Wan made such a promise to Qui-Gon, but, it was already done and could not be stopped.

He told him the council would discuss the matter and consider it, nothing was guaranteed.

Times were quite hectic now.

With the new chancellor of the GAR, Sheev Palpatine of Naboo, and hints of succession all around the galaxy, things looked quite...bleak.

Only the force could guide them now.

*Yes, in my AU, Mace was friends with Qui-Gon, but they weren't that close. And yes, my version of Mace is nowhere near as arrogant or hypocritical as the canon version of the character, just cause.

*I don't own Star Wars, its characters, plots, etc, they are property of Lucasfilm and Disney. I only own OCs and some plots I've made up for this AU.

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