*New Assignments*

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The return to the Jedi temple was very silent and grim.

K'Kruhk was a bit fearful as all three council members were purely silent, not saying a word, as was Anakin.

They finally landed in the hangar, and the doors opened.

Master Che was already there, having felt her presence needed.

"Bring her with me to the medical ward."

"On it ma'am." Spier replied, he and his men getting the gurney holding Aayla and departing.

Mira meanwhile sighed.

"Well, let's get to the council chambers, no doubt the others are already waiting."


Anakin remained in the center of the chambers.

"How did...it happen?" He asked, voice laced with sadness.

"Investigating a terrorist threat, he was." Yoda said.

"He absorbed the powers of an ancient artifact known as the Infant of Shaa. An artifact created by the people of Seylott. It was said to possess the power to destroy entire worlds, though how we do not know. Master Poof offered Fett that if he assisted in his investigation that he'd convince us to request he be pardoned by the Republic Senate for any and all of his crimes." Mace said.

Anakin ignored that they somehow knew about Jango Fett.

"They found the terrorist and the artifact, and master Yarael sacrificed himself to absorb the weapon's power before it could cause mass devastation." Plo Koon added sadly.

Yoda nodded.

"Fled the terrorist did, but cornered and captured by Fett, and masters Plo and Yaddle, he was. Now put in a request to pardon Fett to the Senate, we have."

Anakin nodded, if Fett assisted in preventing something like this, then he'd say the man deserved it, it showed that despite his sometimes illegal activities, Jango Fett wasn't heartless.

"Hold the funeral after this session ends, we will."

Yoda sighed, he hated changing topics like this.

"But, new orders, you have."

Anakin looked up, so they were moving on just like that?

Well not really, he knew they weren't like that, there was just so much going on with this new war that stopping their efforts at this point would be foolish.

"To Kamino, to help oversee the training of the clones, you and Shaak Ti will be stationed, Skywalker. A subtle request for our aid, Fett has put in. Trust the Kaminoans, he does not, up to no good with the clones, he thinks they are."

Yoda's expression turned a bit sour at the thought.

It had only been a little over a week and a half, yet he already viewed the clones like family.

The rest of the council felt the same.

"Very well master, when do we go?" Anakin questioned.

"Not until tomorrow morning." Mace answered.

Shaak Ti nodded her understanding, though she'd need time to try and get over the loss of her former master.

"We will retire to our quarters now."


*Most of the rest won't have actual dialogue cause I'm not sure what to do for dialogue here.


Savage hadn't known what to think.

(Yes he has his prosthetic left arm now, felt the need to point that out)

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