*Establishing Mentors*

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Hours later, Shaak Ti had gathered a group of Jedi together in one of the meditation chambers.

The group including Luminara Unduli, Kelleran Beq, Yarael Poof, Depa Billaba, Plo Koon, Mace Windu, and Yaddle.

"Fellow masters, I called this meeting with all of you as it pertains to Skywalker."

Depa looked somewhat concerned, wondering if something had happened.

"Did something happen?"

"No. I called all of you specifically because you are all fellow Jedi I'd want around him commonly, as mentors."

Yarael nodded.

"He is my newest grandpadawan, so that is already a given."

Luminara and Plo nodded in silent agreement to the request from their friend.

"I will be there to give him guidance, or be someone to just talk to. A friend, if need be." Kelleran answered kindly.

Mace sat in thought for a moment.

Mentor? Hm, well he supposed he could help the boy, particularly with any issues he had with the dark side.

He nodded.

"I agree as well."

Shaak bowed her head in thanks.

"Thank you. There is something else though, the training of the younglings."

Luminara chimed in.

"What of their training?"

"One of the current trainers, Kulan Deselo, is far too harsh in their process. He has already promised Skywalker's will be especially harsh." The Togruta replied with a sigh.

Mace frowned. He knew Kulan could be cold at times, but never like that.

While he was very silent on it, Mace was also particularly protective over children.

Whether it be the chosen one or not.

"You're certain of this?"

"Anakin himself said it to me and Nicholas earlier. To both of us, he clearly feels like an outcast, like he's not wanted here, like he doesn't really belong here."

Mace closed his eyes and nodded along slowly.

"I'll speak to Yoda, request that a more caring master replace him there."

Shaak nodded, she knew Yoda would agree almost immediately.

"He feels like an outcast, you say?" Luminara asked slightly curious.

The mirialan Jedi master honestly felt the same even now. She's been called cold, heartless, dogmatic, and just flat out uncaring and even evil.

But that wasn't it, truth is Luminara just had issues when it came to dealing with emotions. Most misinterpreted that fact, and though she tried to ignore it, sadly it was getting to her, making her far less trusting of others, minus anyone in her close circle.

So really she was similar to Skywalker in that regard, she could strongly sympathize.

But this is a child, he should not have to face such things, at least not yet.

"Unfortunately. Kulan is not helping matters either." Shaak added.

Depa sighed.

Frankly she'd never liked Kulan.

His sister, Kristine, was fine, she was good, the opposite of him really.

But Kulan? She could care less.

Kelleran never had an issue with being considered an outcast, though he did have thoughts about not belonging when he was Skywalker's age.

Mace, like Luminara, strongly sympathized with Anakin though, he too felt the same way back then.

Even after he'd matured, most viewed him as an arrogant jerk, and didn't want to be friends with him, or associate with him in general.

Yaddle and Plo stayed silent entirely, but they too sympathized. The two masters felt disappointed in Kulan especially, a Jedi is supposed to be compassionate, not cold or rude.

Silently they both thought Dooku was correct, the Jedi order was losing its way.

"Then we do our best to ensure he will feel at home." Yarael chimed in, with his usual clear but delicate voice.

Everyone agreed.

And so established, was Anakin Skywalker's closest circle of mentors, Obi-Wan included.

These mentors would not only assist in his training, but they would also help ensure Anakin remained on the path of the light.

The question becomes...will they succeed?

*Okay, so we've established Anakin's mentors, or at least his closest circle of them. I enjoyed doing the part with Luminara's thoughts, especially since I think the current canon doesn't do her justice and only gives her a bad rep. Personally I think she's good at heart, and very severely misunderstood, misinterpreted, and is just one of those characters who deserved better. She's always been my second favorite Jedi, after Shaak Ti, so I try portraying her in my own and more positive ways in any fanfic or story I do write. Now Kelleran Beq is a more recently introduced Jedi in Star Wars canon, but I'm doing my best to try and make him prominent here. Idk his whole backstory, though I know he did teach younglings, so here he's a teacher at the temple.

If you're wondering about Yaddle, *spoiler*, I gave her death from Tales of the Jedi to an OC character, that's how she's still alive here, which I already kind of pointed out.

I haven't really decided on who Anakin's father figure will be, so what do you think? The only options I'm really considering here that would make sense somehow are Ki-Adi-Mundi, Mace Windu, or Plo Koon. So, who do you think?

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