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Anakin sat by himself in the classroom, as the other younglings were listening to the teacher.

He'd only been here for almost a day now, but he already felt like an outcast.

Mostly the Jedi here ignored him, even if giving him a glance, and he felt unwanted.

Was he some abomination that they could see, and he himself couldn't?

The current teacher was a man named Kulan Deselo, Anakin didn't pay attention to much else.

He was a dark skinned man, Anakin noted similarities with that council member, Windu, was it? Though he was different in his own ways.

Speaking of whom.

"Skywalker is something more important than my lesson?"

Anakin shook his head.

"No sir."

"No what?"

"No sir."

The man walked over with a frown.

"Look here boy, just because you're the...chosen one, doesn't give you special reign. If anything I will make you work twenty to thirty times harder to ensure you can fulfill your apparent role. Also, I am a Jedi master and you'll refer to me as such from now on. Clear?"

Anakin nodded nervously.

"Yes sir."

"No. Yes what?"

"Y-yes, master Deselo."

The man nodded and walked away.

"Now that that's out of the way, we will start moving on to..."

Moving on to? But he'd only started today, he didn't know anything they were teaching, yet.

"teachers. Your class has caught the attention of the high council, and they've seen fit to have selected your teachers for you this time around."

The classroom door opened and in walked a group of apparent Jedi masters.

Anakin recognized one woman, master Gallia he thinks? She'd been one of the Jedi on the council.

Then another, a snake-like Jedi master he didn't recognize.

Then a red skinned Togruta female, who looked to be in her early thirties.

He didn't see Obi-Wan.

Had he left him?

Not that he'd blame him.

He felt a weird pull to the Togruta woman, but otherwise shook it off.

There were others, though nothing of note with them.

"So, your masters will now pick you from the class. We've gone by a type of lottery drawing to decide who picks in order. So to begin, master Gallia..."

He tuned it all out.

Not like the current teacher cared much.

One youngling was chosen by a master named Kelleran Beq, who seemed quite kind.

Another, he thinks her name was Offee, was selected by another older mirialan master, Unduli was her name?

The selections went on and on until...only he was left.


Until the Togruta woman approached him.

Though her presence was a pretty calming and welcoming one, she didn't seem at all prejudiced against him.

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