*Holocron Heist*

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About a month passed, and things progressed surprisingly well.

With the Jedi not spread thin, they were able to coordinate efforts in a fashion so they would end up being successful, where they would have otherwise failed.

Master Unduli had a close encounter with Ventress, master Fisto and Nahdar had one with Grievous, thankfully all three, plus their respective clone commanders, were alright.

The crisis on Maridun was averted thanks to the efforts of Savage and Aayla.

Then the recent crisis at the senate, bounty hunters hired by Oruba the hutt to free him.

However the Jedi council expected such a move.

So the bounty hunters were surprised to be confronted by members of the Jedi high council.

Being Mace, Plo, Obi-Wan, Elizabeth, Ki-Adi, and Depa.

Cad Bane and Aurra Sing escaped, the rest were either captured or killed.

Senator Amidala praised the Jedi for their intervention, which even further cemented the overwhelmingly positive public opinion of the Jedi order.

Anakin spent most of his time with Savage and Barriss.

Feral was preoccupied with master Koth on Saleucami.

The temple was pretty full of Jedi though.

Traveling to the archives, Savage went to find master Jocasta, while Anakin and Barriss looked into records, as they were curious on if they could find anything pertaining to that mysterious Darth Talon from last month.

They found nothing, any record of her here had been erased.

Odd, only a Jedi could erase that information.

In any case, so far, nothing on that.


"Padawan Tano, do you feel master Kenobi's description of the incident, is accurate?" Master Windu questioned the Padawan in the center of the room.

Most of the council was present, being Mace, Yoda, Obi-Wan, Plo, Elizabeth, Kit, Shaak Ti, Ki-Adi, and Adi Gallia.

Shaak Ti had been recalled, leaving Taun We in charge of Kamino. The Jedi knew they could trust Taun We.

Meanwhile, Eeth couldn't attend even by hologram as he was busy on Saleucami, Depa was on assignment to Garel to oversee trade negotiations, and Mira was just taking a break from council duties.

Recently Ahsoka was on a mission to Felucia, along with her master Plo Koon, and master Kenobi, and Jvayn.

She had been ordered by Obi-Wan to pull back, but failed to, and when the gunship arrived, she didn't try to argue as she felt master Plo would be disappointed in her.

Soon they were in the air and the droids had swarmed the walker she'd been on earlier, destroying it.

"Yes masters. I was so caught up in the battle that I disobeyed orders. I wasn't being intentionally disobedient, but there is no excuse for what I did. I am willing to accept any punishment offered by the council." She replied.

'Very mature of you, little 'Soka' Plo spoke to her through their force bond.

He was proud of how quickly she was maturing, and clearly it affected the council's judgement as truthfully they hadn't expected her mature reply.

So they were quite impressed.

Mace just stared, expression giving nothing away, while Yoda hummed.

"I think some time away from the front lines could do her some good." Ki-Adi suggested.

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