Chapter 3 The Boogeyman Is Real

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She fall...

She fall...

She fall...

And landed roughly on Pitch Black. Pitch who was tired and fainted after being attacked by his own Nightmares for eating on his own fear woke up and was shocked to see a little girl in his lair. Yumiko closely look at Pitch's face with a surprised look on her face. Pitch then slowly noticed that the little girl can actually see him.

"Y-y-you're... the-the-, Boogeyman!" exclaimed Yumiko as she got up, back away a little from him and pointed at him.

"You-you-can see me?" asked Pitch who actually back away from her too.

"O my goodness, you are real...," said Yumiko as she fainted.

"O great, first my defeat with the Guardians, being attacked by my own Nightmares and now a little girl who just fainted in my lair. What am I going to do with her now?" he said. Feeling a little sorry for the girl, he pick her up and put her on a couch. Few hours later, she groan little by little and slowly woke from her slumber. Not knowing which part of Pitch's Lair she's in, she quickly move the pace up by running and walking fast from time to time to find Pitch or the exit, which ever comes first.

As she walk up the stairs, she heard a neigh from somewhere. Being a little girl and all, it's normal for her to be curious and follow where the sound come from. There, she arrived at a place where the gigantic globe stood. Pitch secretly appear from her back from the shadows.


"Kyaaa!" she shrieked.

"My lord, your shriek is too high pitch,"

"Oh, it's you... Um,... I'm sorry for landing on you and ended up in your lair. I was lost so... ,"

"You want me to forgive you and let you go?"


"What's the fun in that? You may be the only child that still believes in me on this bloody little planet,"

"I can tell you all my nightmares to make it up,"

"Oh, really. That sounds really intriguing but then I don't care!" said Pitch as he brought Yumiko to the surface and throw her on the ground.

"Oww! What are you doing?"

"I'm leaving you here. You're only going to be a burden to me," said Pitch as he dissapear from her eyes. She look at the moon with anger shown on her face.

"That's the last time I'm following your stupid moonlight MiM!" shouted Yumiko to the moon and kick a stone to the tree which then fling back to her forehead. When she noticed that she left her bagpack at Pitch's Lair, more pain and anger she felt.. She continued walking, walking, walking and walking until she find a shelter.

Yumiko's pov

The night is darkening round me,

The wild winds coldly blow;

But a tyrant spell has bound me,

And I cannot, cannot go.

The giant trees are bending

Their bare boughs weighed with snow;

The storm is fast descending,

And yet I cannot go.

Clouds beyond clouds above me,

Wastes beyond wastes below;

But nothing drear can move me;

I will not, cannot go.

Normal pov

Back at Pitch's Lair, Pitch was plotting another scheme to destroy the Guardians once and for all until he saw the little girl's bagpack on the floor. He took it and appear at the place where he left her. Seeing the fact Yumiko went deeper into the forest, Pitch tried to follow her footprint until snow began to fall covering her tracks. Pitch groaned and felt exhausted since he's still weak to move around a lot.

"Stupid girl, why did you even fall into the hole in the first place? Most kids just go away. That's why we have fear in the first place," complained Pitch. He look at the moon with complete disgust and wonder why did he even ever tried making MiM the Prince of Nightmares. Then, the moon glow and made a light-pathway. Pitch, knowing MiM is showing him the way to find the little girl, he move along the pathway and didn't complain.

Under an old tree, there, he found Yumiko curling like a cat would sleeping on the ground, covered in snow, shivering due to the cold, and yet sound asleep. Pitch, felt sorry again for her again so he pick her up and brought her back to his lair. As he put Yumiko down on the couch, she whispered something softly but can be heard by only him.

"Goodnight, daddy...,"

He felt something. Not pain. Not sorrow. It's something that he thought to never felt. To be call a dad. It felt melancholic and yet he remember why.


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