Chapter 9: The Secret is Out!

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Santoff Clausen, a haven for imagination and invention. The animals playing with the kids and the Spirit of Forest protects the place from intruders. Ombric, an old wizard, an Alantean, a student, a teacher and also an old friend of North was busy trying to figure out what the moonbeam told him few nights ago. Mr. Qwerty, a transformed book-like creature make sure all the books are clean and tidy.

Few nights ago, during the arrival of Yumiko into their world, the moonbeam shine brighter than before at Santoff Clausen as if welcoming someone excitedly. Ombric who knew how to speak moonbeam asked "What's wrong? Something new, I pressume?"

The moonbeam flickered and glimmered so fast just like a little child would if something new happen. The moonbeam was talking so fast that Ombric couldn't interpret all what the moonbeam told him. All he could translate was this:

"A portal. Little Girl. Arrow Child. Seven Seas. Came. Lost Child. Welcome her. Bed. Under. Adopted. Don't hurt her,"

After that, several books in the library glowed as if welcoming the new person into their haven. Ombric knew what it means. The spell books are fighting over who will be chosen by the new master. Ombric, that night, stood beside his telescope, wondering who is this little girl that get the moonbeam all excited about and the books fighting over her. That is the end of the Ombric's flashback.

Back to the current timeline, Ombric sat at his desk thinking how is he going to find the 'little girl' that moonbeam talk about. Then, something hit him. The gigantic globe in the North Pole. A smile slowly appear on his face. He can use this opportunity to say hi to his old good friend and student, North! He used a teleportation spell and quickly appeared in North's main office. North who was drinking his hot cocoa spill the contains out of his mouth and cough.

"Hello, North. I see you still relaxing while your fellow Yetis are busy making toys," commented Ombric.

"Ombric, what a pleasant surprise but please don't do that to me! I could have choke to death, old man!"

"Watch your tongue! That's is not how you talk to your teacher," shouted Ombric. North stand down and relax his mind for awhile.

"Do you want cookies?"

"Now that's better. How's life going? I heard you defeated Pitch again but with the help of old Jackson Overland Frost,"

"It's peaceful for now. Ah, yes. Jack Frost, he's proven himself an honourable member of the Guardians. His title is the Guardian of Fun,"

"Now, let's get down to business. Call your friends now!" commanded Ombric. Seeing how serious Ombric's expression is, North just nodded and made the aurora in the sky. Again.

In Burgess, Yumiko and Sophie were playing tea party! Jack join in too just to have his watchful eyes on Yumiko who he saw as his little sister. As Sophie slowly pour the tea into the cup, Jack ate few of the scones and cookies all to himself.

"Jack, you're going to gain some weight if you don't stop chewing," said Yumiko with concern.

"Do I look like I care? Being around in this cold place, you need fat to give you warmth!" said Jack as he continued on chewing. The Aurora reached Burgess and caught Jack's attention. He rise up from his seat and was about to leave until Yumiko pull his jacket.

"Hey, where you're going?"

"Um,... There's something I need to do. Don't worry. You know the way back home right? Just make sure you go back before 6," said Jack as he waved goodbye. Sophie was so happy that she could have Yumiko all to herself that day but Yumiko knows that something wrong is up. After playing tea party with Sophie, Sophie fall asleep. Yumiko carried her upstair and put her on the bed. Yumiko then bid farewell to Jamie and his mother.

It was 3pm and it was still early.

"Maybe I should go to the bookstore or... steal some stuff from the Lost-and-Found box at the Burgess Police Station," she thought. Conflicted by the ideas, she used a silver coin to decide her fate just like Harvey Dent aka Two-Face from the Batman story. And so it was decided, bookstore.

The nearest bookstore was just opposite the McDonald. She went in and went to the Children Section. She went through the picture books, novels and cards one-by-one. Enjoying the various books, she smile and her eyes sparkles as bright as the star. Then, one picture book caught her eye... it was about the Easter Bunny...

"Kinda think of it. I never went out for egg-hunting during Easter. I hope that I can join in next year!" she thought with high-spirits.

At the North Pole, all the current Guardians; North, Sandy, Bunnymund, Tooth and Jack gathered near the globe. Ombric stood in the middle and groan.

"What up old man? What's the news? I was at a Tea Party with Sophie," said Jack as he bite on another scone he brought from Sophie's house.

"Oh, you were with my little ankle biter? Hey, I haven't seen her for few days have I?" said Bunnymund.

"Oooh, Sophie! I can't wait for her next baby tooth!" said Tooth.

"Sophie has always been in the Nice list!" exclaimed North. Ombric cough to catch everyones' attention which it did.

"Few night ago, the moonbeam told me something that I couldn't understand much. North, did you lose one of your snow globe again?" asked Ombric. North sweat a little and came out a little nervous.

"Noooooooooo... I mean yes. It was in my hand but it dissappeared. Woosh! Just like that! Then Manny just fade away from our conversation!" explained North.

"You were talking to Manny?" asked Ombric.

"Well,... he was more of a listener...," he admitted.

"Okay,... Moonbeam told me that a little girl arrived in our world. This was all that I can translate: A portal. Little Girl. Arrow Child. Seven Seas. Came. Lost Child. Welcome her. Bed. Under. Adopted. Don't hurt her ," said Ombric which made Tooth and Jack shocked. Both of them knew that Pitch adopted a little girl and the only entrance was from a bed.

"Jack, you okay?" asked North.

"Oh, nothing it's just... oohhhh... so tired travelling here all the way from Burgess. That's all," said Jack as he tried his best to put on a poker face. Tooth on the other hand look paler than usual.

"Tooth, what's wrong?" asked Bunnymund.

"Oh, um... My Tooth Palace is floating above South East Asia so... it's kind of hot there. It's so cold here. Could you increase the temperature here or something?" asked Tooth shyly and nervously. Bunnymund, being a Pooka has the ability to sense lies.

"Lies... Lies... They're both lying! What are they hiding?" asked Bunnymund to himself.

"North, I believe that this globe of yours can pin-point any children in the world to which being they believe in," said Ombric.

"Yes, that's true," replied North. He went to the main control waiting for his teacher's command.

"Pinpoint the newest believer around the last 5 nights,"commanded Ombric. North presses few buttons there and there which made only 125 lights shine upon the globe.

"Now,... identify the females, age range from 4-7,"

"There's 56," said North.

"Now locate the only child that only believes in... Pitch Black,"

"There's only one. She's in... Jack's hometown. Burgess," said North. A smile appear on Bunnymund's face as he found the answer.

"So, this is what you two been hiding, eh?" said Bunnymund to himself.

"Oh, no! If this continues, Yumiko and Pitch are going to get seperated!" thought Tooth.

"I must not let them interfere with Pitch's new life!" thought Jack as he held on to his staff tightly.

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