Chapter 6 Here Comes Tooth!

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It was already morning and the sun is shining so bright on Burgess where the children play snowballs and go sledding. Oh, it was indeeed bright on the surface but for the underworld it's pretty dark... Sure, a little light shines in Pitch's lair but little Yumiko is still asleep. She moaned and fall from the coach and roll her sleep. Pitch who just came in to wake her up observe her behaviour. It took a while for him to snap back to reality and ask her to wake up.

"Yumiko, it's 10am already. Wake up,"

"Uhhhhhhhhhh," she moaned.

"Wake up,"

"Uhhhhhhhhhh," she moaned again.

"That's it!" he said as he used his shadows to grip on her left leg making her upside down and shake her vigorously before throwing her to the couch. Yumiko groaned and yawn as she looks at her 'daddy' with anger.

"That's what you get when you don't wake up," complained Pitch as he leaves the room.

"That's what I get for believing in him for all my childhood years. When I have kids of my own, when they asked; is the Boogeyman real? I'll reply; of course he's real; he's tall, he's pale, he's a jerk-face," she mumble to herself as she folded the blankets. She switch her pyjamas with her white T-shirt, purple Superman hoodie, black shorts and red and black plaids sneaker.

As she got out from her room, she follow the scent of freshly-toast bread. She then find herself in a large dining room with a plate of bacon, toast, fried eggs, sausages and mushrooms. She started drooling just when she look at them. Pitch came in and sat down.

"Why are you standing?"

"Why are you not eating?"

"This isn't mine. It's yours,"

"You made me breakfast. Yeah!" she said as she sat beside Pitch and eat her breakfast.

"I'm glad you like it," he said as he watch her eating like every father in the world would. After breakfast, he brought her to his private library where all the well-known literature was placed in. Pitch's favourites was always Grimm's and Poe's. Yumiko learn few new vocabulary and smiled every time Pitch trip over the books on the floor. Then, Pitch felt that someone came into his lair without hie permission and for her own safety, he told Yumiko to wait in the library.

When he arrived at the centre of his lair, he saw few hummimgbird-like little creature flying near his globe. He used his shadow to capture one of them and interrogate it. The others just whimp asking him to calm down for a moment. Pitch who was still angry of his defeat crush the little thing slowly and enjoy the pain felt by it. Tooth came in and snatch her little toothfairy from Pitch's grasp.

"Why are you here?" he asked aggressively.

"Oh, come on Pitch. You don't need to be mean and try to kill my little fairy," said Tooth as she pat his shoulder. Pitch back away from her a little and point the exit to her.

"Get out! Now!"

"Oh, Pitch. Relax. I just came here to see your little daughter," asked Tooth as she blinks in multiply times.

"How did you know?" he whispered.

"A little frostbite told me," she whispered back.

"Jack! He! I told him to keep it a secret! Why, if I ever get my hands on him!"

"Can I see her? Can I? I bet she's a fairy fan! She might be very happy to see me and play with my little fairies!" exclaimed Tooth as she fly around happily while Pitch just stood there. He knew about Yumiko's belief on toothfairy is way gone few months ago. How is he going to tell her that?

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