Chapter 4 Pitch Adopted A Girl

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Yumiko, waking up at 6am, didn't notice she was back at Pitch's Lair at first but then when she did her jaw drop. She look around for Pitch and found him near the gigantic globe.

"Oh, there you are. Awake and alive, I see. Still not scared of me?" he asked as he came closer to her.

"I'm scared of you getting too close to me...,"

"Sarcasm.. hahaha... haven't get that from a little girl for years,"

"Why am I here?"

"I brought you back so that you can sleep in comfort and escape the shivering cold so that someone in particular wouldn't find you and found out that I'm still alive,"


"Now tell me where you live so that I can ditch you there,"

"I know my home is not in Burgess," said Yumiko sarcastically.

"Where are your parents?" he asked bitterly.

"I don't think they're here especially mummy. She's in heaven now...," replied Yumiko as she look down to the ground. Pitch's voice soften down a bit and tried his best not to be mean.

"Then, tell me where should I leave you? I recommend the Burgess Home For Girls," he said. 'Damn, I can't calm a little girl down when I want to,' he thought to himself. Yumiko look up at Pitch's face and said...

"But I already got used to sleep here. Can't I stay?"

"You're not scared of me?"

"You were nice enough to let me sleep here overnight. That's enough for me,"

"You may stay...,"

"Does that mean you're my daddy now?"

"N-ooo... Y-y-y-eeessssssss...,"

Jack Frost who was born in Burgress and grown up in his hometown and died in a lake in Burgress has always had a special connection when he's around Burgress. Like every evening, he'll fly around and become one with the wind while surf in the air on his staff. As he pass the lake, the birthplace of the new him, and landed at the place where the last time he saw Pitch. He noticed the broken bed and slowly walk towards it.

Jack's POV

I better take a look at this. Last time I was here, the entrance to his lair was closed. I'll just take a closer look and have a short tour just in case Pitch's down there. Then, I'll report to that Easter Kangaroo...

A portal open in Pitch's Lair, with Yumiko coming out shivering. She took her Superman jacket out and wore it. Pitch look at her and based on observation, she doesn't like the cold. When Pitch turn around for a moment, he smell smoke. He turn around again and saw Yumiko trying to make fire with the twigs she found in the forest.

"Yumiko Nanami-Wayne-Pitchiner, what are you doing?" he asked.

"Making fire. Isn't it so obvious?"


"It's so cold. Why is your lair so cold? Don't you know magic? Can't you just use magic and make mystic floating fireballs or something?"

"Then, go to your bed,"

"My bed is an old couch with holes on it. I swear I even hear it squeking,"

"Burgess Home of Girls seem warmer,"

"I'll go to my beloved couch and try to sleep on it,... again," said Yumiko as she left Pitch alone and the twigs on the floor. He sighed when he looks at the mess the girl did. Jack Frost who was flying slowly and observe the lair, saw Pitch near the globe, he quickly hide behind the ceilings and heard Pitch humming a tune. As Pitch walk up the stairs, he felt the temperature getting colder than usual. A sly smile appear on his face.

"Oh, Jack Frost. How nice of you to stop by and say hi," he said. Jack heard him and came out of hiding as he slowly land on the same floor as Pitch.

"You're alive,"

"Yes, I know that,"

"That's a very nice tapestry you got there,"

"I don't have a tapestry,"

"I know. I just wanted to start a conversation,"

"That's a stupid way to start a conversation,"

"Really? Cause we're talking now. Hah, I'm still winning,"

"Why are you here?"

"How did you survive?"

"Why are you here?"

"You're pretty lucky to be alive you know. Easter Kangaroo will be so mad if he heard of this. He still want to punch you for ruining Easter Day," said Jack as he continue blabbering.

"Oh God, it's like talking to the wall...," sighed Pitch as he tried to walk away from Jack. Then, Yumiko walk back with a picture with her and stopped as she saw Jack Frost.

"You're... Jack Frost... the spirit of winter...," she said. There was a little hinch of hatred shown on his face as he knew Yumiko believes in the existence of Jack Frost. He ignored Jack Frost and turn his attention towards her. Jack stood still and observe and listen to their conversation.

"What is it now, Yumiko?" asked Pitch.

"I can't sleep,"

"I can't put you to sleep. You'll have nightmares,"

"My dad used to read me my fav picture book but I .... lost it. I've found this instead in the Lost-and-Found box at the Burgess Police Station," said Yumiko as she show the T'was Before Christmas picture book . Pitch tried to remember if he ever got near to a police station during their walk around Burgess that afternoon and he just learned that Yumiko can be sneakier than him when he least expect.

"Yumiko, you can't just take something from a Lost-and-found box,"

"Yes, I can. It has been there for over 30 years,"

"Fine, I'll read that... book but only if you promise to go to bed after I'm done,"

"Pinkie swear!" she said as she offer the pinkie swear to Pitch. Jack chuckled a little when he saw the little girl teaching Pitch how to Pinkie Swear and the concept of it. It took 12 minutes.

"T'was the night...," said Pitch as he was rudely interrupted by Jack.

"Wait, wait, wait... T'was?" asked Jack.

"It's an old word for 'It was'. Back then, T'was was what the teens call it 'cool'"

"Pfft... It's old and stupid," commented Jack.

"Jack Frost,... you're ruining her story time,"said Pitch. Jack decided to be quiet for a while and interrupt him at the perfect moment.

"T'was the night before Christmas, when all through the house," said Pitch as he was rudely interrupted by Jack again.

"House? Why does it has to be house? Why can't it be a condo, an apartment or a banglo instead?"

"This close... to kicking you out," said Pitch. Jack tried his best to be quiet.

"Not a creature was stirring,

Not even a mouse,

The stocking were hung by the chimney...,"

"See, old-fashion again! Not every house has a chimney now. What about the kids who live out the streets? How's Santa going to give gifts to them?" asked Jack. Tears began to flow as Yumiko tried to not to cry.

"Not every nice kids get presents from Santa? Is that why Santa never came and eat the cookies and drink the milk that I specially serve for him?" asked Yumiko as she cried and ran to her bedroom with her new picture book. Pitch, with a stern-look really want to cut Jack's tongue.

"Thanks to you. My daughter won't be having a good night sleep tonight,"said Pitch.

"That's... your daughter? Wait, you have a daughter?! I thought she was... some girl who believes in you. Do you have a wife?" asked Jack.

"I adopted her,"


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