Chapter 5 Her Beliefs?

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After Pitch and Jack had a little talk, he kick Jack out from his lair and specifically told him not to let his secret out; that he's alive and he has a daughter to anyone esspecially the Guardians. When he went into Yumiko's room, she wasn't there. He followed the sobbing and crying of the seven-year-old girl and found her sitting in the corner of one of his chambers.

"Yumiko,... are you okay?" asked Pitch as he pat her head.

"No... I know that Santa, Tooth fairy, Sandman and Easter Bunny is real. I know they do but... I can't find myself to believe in them anymore. I used to until...,"

"Until what?"

"I believe in you," she said as she looks down to the ground. Guilt coloured Pitch's heart as he heard the girl's statement.


"It's not a bad thing really. At least I believe in you and that's why I can see you... I'll tell you what happen and you'll know that it's not really your fault," said Yumiko and so began her flashback.

Yumiko's flashback

It was raining cats and dogs. Thunder clapping and wind so strong making the leaves fall from trees and so did the twigs. Forest and street animals alike found shelter from the rain. The humans however went back home or waited for the rain to stop at a coffee shop. I was at home or famously known as the Wayne Manor. Ever since I got adopted, I was scared wandering in the halls alone so I usually with our butler, Alfred.

Then, my big brother, Dick, who was also adopted invited me for a scary story. I agreed and decided to have it in my room. He began to tell stories about you with a flashlight in my dark room by reciting a poem he found in the internet. It was written by WayToTheDawn.

As the light goes off he opens his eyes; drawn to innocence by their sheepish cries. Lurking in black closets and under beds, he patiently waits to carve some heads. They clench their blankets and shiver in fear; somehow knowing that the end is near. And when they begin to fall asleep, he is on them in a sinister creep. The room fills with tears and screams, he rips their flesh at every seam. Then he devours the remains of the soul; licking his lips as he swallows it whole. And when he completes his sinful work, he returns to hell with a satisfied smirk.

"I like the way he made an opening to his scary story. I want to meet your brother already," commented Pitch with a smirk.

"Who is telling the story now, dad?"

Back to the flashback...

Then, he continued telling me legends and myths about you in different countries. He told me that you scratch windows. In Afghanistan, you're called the Bala which means "The Monster or Crazy Person". In the Lingala laguage, you're the Dongola Miso or "Creature with Scary Eyes". After few minutes, he ended the story time with an evil laugh. I went to bed right after I brush my teeth.

When I was going to sleep, the branch of the trees made a screeching sound on the window. I thought it was you so I yelped. My closet which was right in front of my bed open a little with a scray sound. Black smoke began to come out from it and I saw red eyes. I screamed like...

"Daddy! The boogeyman is real! The boogeyman is real! He's real!"

When my dad open the door, I knock into it and fell down. It hurt but I got my first tooth off. I was five back then. Dad carried me to my room and told me stories about the Tooth Fairy.

"Have you ever heard about the Tooth Fairy?" he asked. I looked at him confused back then.

"She is beautiful. She is kind.

She is caring. She is nice.

That's why she'll come

and say hi.

When she comes,

you'll be asleep.

She'll take your tooth,

and leave you something.

A dime or a dollor.

A candy or a sweet.

Whatever it'll be.

You will be happy." he said. I was so happy to hear about her and excited I couldn't sleep. I slept around 2am if I remember correctly. The next morning, there was nothing. Not even my tooth or even a a coin or a candy. I cried so hard that day...

Few months later, Easter came and so did spring. I never had a Egg-Hunting on Easter before. Seeing that I'm scared of going outside, Dad told me that Easter Bunny don't just hide eggs outside, it's indoors too. I believe him saying that to me so I search for eggs for 5 consecutive hours. Did I found at least one? No,...

Then, Christmas came.

Winter... and snow falling down. Children making snowmans and throw snowballs at each other and don't care if it hurts. I never understand their thinking.

On Christmas Eve, I place the cookies and glass of milks on the table near the Christmas as what traditions said. The next day, I was surprised to see a lot of presents under the Christmas tree but a little dissappointed to see the cookies and milk untouched. I asked my dad why. He replied...

"Santa is on a diet. He's so fat that he need to lose few hundreds of calories. May be he's blood sugar level is very high or he want to avoid cardiovascular heart disease,"

I actually believed him.

Until I took one of the presents.

The receipt fell onto the floor.

The presents was bought from Harrods.

I remembered my dad going on a business trip to London.

I looked at him with full of dissappointment. I never opened the present.

End of flashback

Pitch felt sorry to hear how despressing, suckish and sad her childhood. How tragic for her to stop believing in the Guardians at the age of 7. She stop believing in them few months before their meeting.

Now, he really fell guilty trying to make kids stop believing in the Guardians. He understand how important and valuable the their beliefs on the Guardians are. How in the world he can make it up for what he did? The first thing came to mind, was to make his daughter to believe in them once again.

"Yumiko,... there, there," said Pitch. That was the only thing he had in his 'calming people down' dictionary.

"That's not helping," commented Yumiko. Pitch then decided to sing one chorus from a song he once heard.

"Well, baby you're all that I adore,

If love is what you need,

A soldier I will be...

I'll throw away my faith baby,

just to keep safe.

I don't care if heaven,

won't take me back," sang Pitch. Yumiko stop sobbing and listen to her new 'dad' singing.

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