Chapter 11: Wishes

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Yumiko's pov

I can feel the spark of my life fading away...

I can feel myself being pulled down into the depths of darkness itself.

The light is fading away.

I am now going under...

Going under...

There's so many things I want to.

I want to go trick or treating with Jamie and Sophie.

Celebrate Christmas with dad.

Go Easter hunting...

But what I regret the most is to see daddy not smiling on the last day of my life.

It was the most painful thing that I ever felt.

Regret. Pain. Sorrow. All together combine becomes despair to me.

Suddenly, a woman with long and wavy hair appeared to me. She held my hand slowly pull me near to the light.

"Yumiko, never lose hope. Believe in yourself and see the wonder in everything. Remember all the memories you had with your love ones. Believe in the radiance within you. Fear not. Sing at the top of your lungs and your presence will be known," she said softly as she patted my head. Her voice was so soothing and felt so nostalgic at the same time. Have we met before? As she was slowy dissappearing from my sight into dust, I heard someone playing a melody,... a song...

"Sing...," said the lady as she fade away. I nodded and closed my eyes. Listening to the song carefully. It was the song that dad taught me.

"Believe in all that be...A miracle starts whenever you dream," I sang. And then, I felt myself being pulled into light closer than before. To my surprise, I opened my eyes and find myself still breathing. On the snowy ground with my blood and surrounded by the Guardians and dad... crying... holding me in his arms.

"Thank goodness, you're alive!" he cried as he embrace me. I cough a little blood out but smiled anyway. I was just so glad to be alive. But who was the lady with long black wavy hair and long yet pretty face. I really need to thank her...

Normal pov...

Yumiko was in a coma state. Due to Ombric's regret, he offer Santoff Clausen as a place to nurture Yumiko back to health. Everyday, Pitch would read pictures book to her. Jack and Tooth would be there to listen too. Her brunette hair turned red on that day and so she was known as the Scarlet-Girl by the children of Santoff Clausen. From time to time the children of Santoff Clausen would come to visit her and brush her hair. Being in a coma state for quite a while, Yumiko's hair has grown longer and over her shoulder.

Pitch didn't want to cut her hair as he thought she will be pretty and girlier with that new look. He always imagine that once Yumiko will wake up from the deep slumber she'll like to play 'Rapunzel'. Jamie and Sophie who always waited for Yumiko to come and visit them for 12 days got curious so they asked Jack. When Jack explained what happen, tears ran down their cheek especially Sophie who sees her as a big sister.

Every Saturday, the kids from Burgess visits her with stories to tell. Cupcake well,.. talk about ponies, Claude and Caleb will be talking about Pokemon and all the boyish stuff, Pippa telling her what they'll do after she'll wake up,... Jamie telling the fun time he had with Jack.

"I wish you were there. It's different without you!" he usually said as he tried to back the tears.

But Sophie was the saddest of all.

She reads Sleeping Beauty everytime she visits.

She always hope that a handsome young prince would come and wake her up.

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