The Moon 🌙

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Something which can't be seen
But only felt is love
Who says love is only between humans?
Haven't you seen the adorable moon in the sky above?

At night,
When everybody's asleep
The moon continues to shine
It doesn't shine that bright
But bright enough to light
It's lover's sight.

I'm in love with the moon!
It's ethereally beautiful
Every evening I wait for it to come out soon.
It doesn't need anyone to look fanciful.

Walking on my illuminated path,
I lifted my chin up
Just to see the crescent
Blushing behind the dark clouds.

With stars it shine
Giving its lovers a reason to smile.
The moon looks divine
Despite of its scars.

The moon is so serene
Its beauty, unmatchable and unseen.
It heals hearts every night
Even the moon needs a hug tight.

Just like us,
The moon also go through different phases
It isn't always that same, full moon
But still it raises.

Thank you.

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