Fall Apart

54 11 15

It feels my heart's been shattered
Into pieces, uncountable.
Heartbeats slow, mind knackered
A living corpse, in a sad fable.

I feel like a disastrous art.
There's earthquake in my voice,
Tsunami in my eyes,
And drought in my heart.

The unvoiced thoughts in my head,
Haunt me each night.
The bloody tears that I shed,
Go unnotice of everyone's sight.

In that broken mirror,
I see those beautiful eyes
Holding back tears
And countless fears.
Those eyes are screaming
Something too loud for the poor heart to handle.
And here I am again, grieving
Convinced that, "My existence is a scandal."

And I whisper,
Hold me- hold me tight,
Before I fall apart.
It is getting dark here in my heart.
Darker and sadder than the night.


Thank you.

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