Chapter one The Inheritance

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DISCLAIMER: I don't own Harry Potter or any of the characters is this story nor am I making a profit from this 😜

What is happening? I look around the great hall, I have Hermione on my left and Ron on my right. I nudge them both they look at me curiously I tell them both that I'm not feeling good and that I will meet them in the common room. They look concerned and I just wave them off and tell them that I'll be fine and to finish their meal. I walk out of the great and lean against a wall taking deep breaths.

You see over the summer I came into my inheritance. In the wizarding world, this usually just means a spike in power but as usual I'm not normal. So, my inheritance was so much more, you see when the clock struck midnight on July 31st, my 17th birthday, I wished myself a happy birthday I felt a warm heat and excruciating pain and blacked out.

I woke up and was sitting in a warm room I was surrounded by people I knew, some only from pictures and legends and one person I knew by sight. I stood up and wrapped my arms around him and cried. Sirius wrapped his arms around me and told me to calm down. I stop crying, I wipe my eyes and look around again. In the room with me is my mom and dad-Lily and James Potter, Sirius Black, Salazar Slytherin, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw, and Godric Gryffindor.

My mom walks up to me and smiles and says "Harry, my darling son you might want to sit down we have a lot of stuff to explain to you tonight." I sit down a little concerned and look at them all and say, "ok who's going to start I think I'm ready for this." Lily smiled and looked at James. He smiled back and nods for Lily to go ahead. Lily looks back at me takes a deep breath and sighs "Harry what I'm about to tell you is going to come as a shock to you. You see I have well that is to say I had 2 mates..." I look at my mom confused. She sighs and says "harry, James isn't your father, I was mated to 2 wizards." Lily takes a deep breath and continues explaining. "Your real father found out I was his mate before James did and we... well... um that is to say we got intimate and I found out what he had done and broke it off.

James came to me next and told me that I was also his mate and we started dating. We found out I was pregnant with you about a month or so later by the time we were married I was already 6 months along. When we had you, we had already gone into hiding when we had you, we knew that for anybody to know your real lineage would be dangerous but not for the reasons you might think." Lily pauses and James picks up where she left off "Harry, Voldemort is not an evil man quite the opposite he was Lily's, Sirius', Remus', Peter's, Severus', and my friend. It wasn't Voldemort who came that night and murdered Lily and I and gave you that scar. It was in fact Albus Dumbledore, you see Harry he heard that you would be the most powerful wizard ever and he wasn't happy about that. I can tell you are wondering why Voldemort is attacking you then am I right?" I just nod my head trying to absorb everything.

James smiles at me and continues "Voldemort for one along with Sirius is your godfather you see Sirius and Voldemort are mates. Well, on Halloween Voldemort was at our house visiting you when Dumbledore came. Whatever curse Dumbledore fired at Voldemort split his soul into 7 pieces and left him thinking you, Lily, and myself perished that night. He was left without a body but was still able to hear the news so when he heard that you were joining Hogwarts, he thought that Dumbledore was mocking him by finding a replacement for you hence him trying to kill you. Harry, you are the only one that can fix this, therefore you are here tonight. We decided that on your 17th birthday it would be ok to tell you, Harry it is true that I'm not your biological father and what I'm going to tell you is going to be a shock but it is not your mothers first "mate" that is your father either in fact he wasn't even your mothers mate he just thought she was because she was carrying his mate you see Harry, Voldemort and Sirius came to your mother to ask her to carry a child for them. Harry your parents are Sirius Orion Black and Tom Marvolo Riddle, Lily and I are your god parents. Harry Voldemort is trying to kill you because he thinks Dumbledore is mocking him by saying that you are Harry Potter when he believes you died. One last thing Harry than the others can explain to you what they are here to tell you. Your real name is Harry Orion Marvolo Riddle-Black."

James sat back after he finished and gave me a minute for all the information to sink in. After a minute, I growled and said, "I'm going to kill that meddling old fool." James, Lily, and Sirius smiled knowing I had excepted the truth. I look around again and say, "ok who's next to try and blow my mind after that revelation." They all chuckle and Sirius step up and says, "ok I'm next and mine isn't as lengthy as your God parents so don't worry." I chuckle and say, "ok dad how are you going to blow me out of my mind."

Sirius looks at me his jaw dropped a little and says, "did you call me dad?" I look at him hurt in my eyes and say "yes I did but if you don't want me to I won't" Sirius walks up to me and wraps me tight in his arms "Harry I love hearing you call me dad never doubt that okay "I nod my head and bury my face further into his chest. He strokes my hair and continues "Harry the first thing I want to tell you is that both me and your father love you very much okay and the second thing I want to tell you is well I'm not dead I fell behind the veil yes but it's an in between you can release me all you have to do is go to the department of Mysteries stand in front of the veil and say 'revertere ad nominatum Sirius Black'" I started crying again and said "you mean you can come back and we can be a real family!"

Sirius strokes my hair and kisses my head "yes Terry I can come back, and we can be a real family we can even get Tom back and we will truly be a family." Sirius says pulling away and wiping my tears away. I smile and nod and say, "okay who's next I'm ready for anything now." Salazar Slytherin stood up and said "okay Harry you already know who I am so we shall skip introductions and I am here to tell you that you are my heir and I will be giving you some abilities that you have heard of, of course parseltongue is one, you also have the ability to duel with all the proper procedures, you will have the ability to open my chambers all of them and access to all my private libraries and Harry my greatest gift to you is your familiar it is a special breed of basilisk, also as my heir the Castle will listen to you." I nod at Salazar Slytherin and bow and say, "Salazar it is an honor to be known as your heir."

Helga Hufflepuff stands up and states "Harry we will again skip over introductions and I will tell you that you are an heir to Hufflepuff as well and I will also be passing abilities to you in as well, I will be passing on to your infinite kindness, as well as trust, you will also be getting the abilities of healing and the abilities of being able to talk to animals and Harry you are a brilliant young man, I also give you the ability for the Castle to listen and speak with you. I nod at Helga Hufflepuff and bow and kiss her hand. "Helga, it is an honor to be known as your heir as well"

Rowena Ravenclaw stood up next "Harry introductions are not a necessity Ravenclaw as well and I have abilities to pass along to you as well you will have infinite knowledge in everything, every curse, hex and jinx will be known to you as well as potions, you have the ability to apparate anywhere and the ability to talk listen and know all of the castle." I nod bow and kiss Rowena Ravenclaw's hand "Rowena it's an honor to be known as your heir as well."

Godric Gryffindor was the last to stand "Harry pleasure is mine as you know by now you are my heir as well and will be giving you some abilities such as courage and bravery, the ability to tell truth from lies. Harry, you also have another inheritance you are immortal. You will need this as your mate is also immortal. You also have full Animagus abilities you can change into any animal you would like. Harry, I also give you the gift of another familiar, you already know this familiar well, your familiar is faux the phoenix. Harry as my heir as well as Salazar, Rowena, and Helga you have full control of the castle, the castle is yours now. Harry, you are and will always be the heir of the four use it well." I nod and bow at Godric Gryffindor "Godric it is an honor to be your heir as well."

I stand in the middle of the room and Lily and James walk up to me "Harry you're a brilliant young man and we both love you, now Harry I want you to know when you leave here you are going to be in a lot of pain, the reason for this is you will be gaining all your magical powers and abilities plus the charms we put on you at birth will be dropped. We love you Harry and we are so proud." Lily and James both hug me. Sirius walked up next, he put his hand to my cheek "Harry, my beloved son I will see you soon, I love you and I promise we will be a proper family" they all step back smile and tell me good bye. I start to tear up and say, "goodbye and thank you guys so much." Everything starts to fade away.

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