Sneak peak

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alright so I've got a little sneak peak of my Remus Lupin and Harry potter fanfiction

Harry knew he shouldn't go out on the night of a full moon even in privet drive because it wasn't safe but he was tired of being cooped up, so he decided he was going to go out anyways and this is where everything changed for one Harry James Potter. It was a warm summer night and the Dursley's were sleeping and Harry was still having night mares about the Tri-Wizard tournament and about watching Cedric die so he decided he couldn't stay in the house anymore, He opened his window and looked at the drop down and decided it was worth it and jumped. He started wondering down wisteria lane and he jumped at the sound of a twig snapping and jumped around with his wand drawn looking for the perpetrator of the noise when he saw no one around he shrugged and decided that it was just an animal and he was being paranoid so he slipped his wand back in to his pocket and continued his walk. He reached his favorite spot to just sit and think so he sat on the swing and pushed himself back and forth thinking about everything that has ever happened to him and all he really wanted was a chance to just be himself not the savior not the boy-who-lived but just harry. He jumps off the swing with a sigh and lays down on the grass in the park looking up at the stars trying to see if he could spot the constellation his godfather was named after and his eyes started to droop shut. Little did harry know that the noise he had heard was a rouge werewolf that belonged to Fenrir Greyback and they were on orders to track the boy down but they were not to harm him. The wolf snuck up to harry and was not in his right mind and went to pick him up but caught him with his teeth. The wolf snarled and howled calling his Alpha over when Fenrir saw what had happened he was furious but just growled at the wolf to back up and he picked the boy up laid him over his back and ran. When harry came to he realized he wasn't in his bed at home and he wasn't laying in the field either but he was laying in a grand bed in a very rich looking place and he was thinking where am I? what happened? All his questions were about to be answered as the door swung open and in entered....
A/N- plz comment and tell me what you think I have almost 2 pages typed on Microsoft word at 11 point font

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