Chapter 11- Dumbledores escape

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*Third person P.O.V.*

No one thought to think about the fact that Dumbledore being the old coot that he is has several plans up his sleeves just in case of a scenario like this. The great hall goes silent as he stands up laughing and clapping. "well done my boys, you have won this round, but I am far from done.

He claps his hands four times and the great hall goes pitch black long enough for him to somehow escape, the lights come back up and everyone is looking around trying to figure out what is going on, Harry and Snape are angry and looking around trying to figure out how that batty old coot escaped, The Aurors finally arrive and one of the professors explains to the Aurors what happened and that Albus had somehow escaped and that Severus and Harry were most likely in danger because of the fact that they had blurted out the plans that the headmaster had for them all.

while all of this is going on nobody notices the white gerbil weaving in and out of legs almost being stepped on running for the doors for nobody knew that Albus Dumbledore was an unregistered Animagus.

*Harry's P.O.V.*

I can't believe that the stupid old man managed to escape we had this whole school locked down, how in the hell did he manage this we took every precaution, but he still slipped out of our grasp and now not only am I at risk but so is Sev, Dad, and papa. I start pacing back and forth trying to figure it out and I ask Hogwarts :do you know how he escaped we had the whole school locked down then a thought popped into my head :Hogwarts when we locked down the school did we block Animagus transformations:

Hogwarts was silent for a few minutes then I heard her tinkling response :I didn't think of that little Heir, if he is an Animagus he has never transformed in the castle because I would have known his form give me a few minutes and I will check what happened while the lights were down.: I smile fondly knowing I might have figured out how the old man had escaped and informed Sev through the mind link and I see him sneer at the fact that the old man might have kept his form a secret, a few minutes later I hear Hogwarts tinkle and I tune in to what she has to say :Little heir, Albus did in fact transform into his Animagus form but unfortunately I can't tell what that form is, I can tell you though that he is no longer in the castle so you and you mate need to be very careful and keep both eyes open because you never know what that old man is going to do.:

I know Sev had heard the conversation because I saw his eyes slit into a glare and his fangs drop and I rush over to him and wrap my arms around him to calm his vampire so he doesn't go into a blood frenzy, then the funniest thing happened both Weasley and Granger walk up to me and Sev and try to act all innocent.

I stare at them both for a minute until finally Weasley loses his cool just like I knew he would and he starts ranting "Harry, you are going to fix this mess you are going to tell everybody that you were lying about us being paid to be your friend, even if it's true you and I both know we deserved every cent we got from you, you were always putting us into danger."

I listen to him rant and then start laughing which causes him to turn as red as his hair and notice as well that Granger is nodding along with everything he says and that causes me to turn to both and start in on them as well. "I didn't put you in danger ever, YOU Ronald Billius Weasley chose to follow me everywhere I went hoping for 5 Minutes of fame by being my sidekick and YOU Hermione Jean Granger NO one and I mean NO one liked you until I became your friend you are and will forever be an insufferable know it all the only reason I saved your life in first year is because I felt sorry for you. Neither one of you have ever done anything to deserve money from my vaults. You guys have used me since year one for your own benefits for popularity and advancements both of you were hoping to use my name to further gain employment into the ministry or the Aurors program. well I am sorry to tell you that it will never happen you will not live off my name or off my vaults and get it through your heads that I will not be marrying your sister or becoming part of your family."

I shouted at them both and turned to storm away, as I turned away, I felt Hogwarts build a shield around me and watched as a curse bounced off the shield and turned back to them really angry now. "YOU Cowards actually threw a Curse at me when my back was turned, I can't believe how cowardly you are that you wait till my back was turned, you do realize that what you did can get you expelled and thrown into Azkaban."

I watch as Hermione decides that she is going to take a turn talking "Harry James Potter how dare you try and lie to me I know the rules and laws so much better than you do because I actually take the time to read books instead of playing all the time." I smirk at her and calmly reply "Then Hermione please kindly tell us all what the laws are of attacking an heir of the founders." I smile and chuckle as I watch her pale and close her mouth tightly and state "what Miss. Granger doesn't want to say is that in the laws it states any attack of the heirs of the founders is punishable by expulsion and a life term in Azkaban and not only am I the heir to one founder but I am the heir to all four founders."

I hear shocked gasps around the great hall and I look back at Hermione and Ron "You know if you guys had needed money or anything else all you would have had to do is ask me and I would have done anything in my power to help you but instead you turn your backs on me and stole from me, I as the Heir of the Four Founders Hereby Expel Hermione Jean Granger and Ronald Billius Weasley from Hogwarts School of Witch Craft and Wizardry From this day forward. I as the Heir of the Four Founders Hereby press charges against Hermione Jean Granger and Ronald Billius Weasley. So, as I mote it so shall it be."

I clap my Hands four times and Weasley and Granger are officially expelled and the Aurors have them in cuffs. I turn to the crowd looking for Sev and turn straight into his arms and he wraps me up and we apparate from the great hall into our chambers, where Sev lays me in bed and goes to contact my fathers and inform them of what has happened.

*Severus' P.O.V.*

I leave my mate in the bed and walk to the living room where I floo Sirius and Tom to inform them of the news of Albus leaving the school and threatening their son and also explain to them what had happened with Granger and Weasley, I get a lot of growling and cursing and I can see Tom is itching to curse someone but all I can think of is getting back to my mate and help calm him and my vampire both it has been a long day for the both of us but I know that this is just the first step of getting my mate and his family free.

We will find Albus if it's the last thing we do. I cut off the floo connection and ask "Hogwarts, how is he doing?" Hogwarts hugs me gently and replies "Don't worry Severus it will take more than this to break your mate he is a strong one especially after Sirius, Tom, and you helped him during the deaging process, go lay down with you mate I will wake you if something happens."

I smile and walk into the room and chuckle when I see that my little mate is already asleep cuddling my pillow to his chest. I climb into bed removing the pillow from his grasp and pull him into my arms and close my eyes drifting off to sleep anything else that needs to be done can be done in the morning.

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