chapter 5- The Welcoming Feast

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The ride to Hogwarts was uneventful. I sat with Ron and Hermione as usual and they kept trying to talk to me but as I wasn't in the mood, I just ignored them, instead just opted to stare out the window. When we started to approach Hogsmeade I changed into my robes. We got off the train and got into the carriages to write to the school as we enter the gate, I feel Hogwarts embrace me and I smile for the first time since I left my parents.

We enter the great hall and I search the staff table but notice Severus isn't there. But there are two new professors sitting there. I frown, did Dumbledore sack professor Snape I notice that all the other students including the Slytherins looked confused. I guess we will find out when Dumbledore tells us. The first years enter the great hall and the sorting hat sings its annual song and the first years are sorted.

I look up at Dumbledore waiting for his speech and he stands at the podium clears his throat and starts "welcome to another year at Hogwarts. I have a few announcements before we start in on this delicious food, the forbidden forest is as such forbidden, the list of banned objects is found on filch's door and we have a new defense against the dark arts professor, well kind of new professor lupin will be joining us again this year and now our own professor Snape has something he would like to say this year..." students start whispering excitedly. "So, I will turn the floor over to him."

One of the people we thought was a new professor stood up and walked to the podium. I stare up and I'll be damned it is a younger cleaner version of my mate. He looks at me and smiles clears his throat and starts speaking to the entire school with his eyes locked on mine. "There has been rumors around the school for years that I am a vampire, I am standing up here to state that the rumors are true, and I am standing before you all tonight to stake my claim on Harry James Potter as my mate. Thank you for your time enjoy your meal."

I looked down at my plate hiding my blush as the food appears. I start hyperventilating what is happening. I look around the great hall, I have Hermione on my left and Ron on my right, I nudge them both to get their attention they both look at me curiously I tell them both I'm not feeling good and that I will meet them in the common room. They looked at me both concerned, and I just wave them off and tell them to finish their meal. I walk out of the great hall and lean against the wall taking deep breaths to calm my breathing. I slide down the wall and pull my knees up to my chest and start crying.

I'm a freak and I know it so why Severus would want me, why would my parents want me and why does Hogwarts want me. I start shaking and I black out, I feel Hogwarts wrap me in a comforting embrace and I feel no more.

*Severus'' p.o.v.* 

Dumbledore announces that I would like to say something so I go to the podium and seek out my little mates' eyes and keeping my eyes on him the entire time I reveal to the entire school that the rumors are true about me being a vampire, let them know that I'm in my true form and stake my claim of my mate in front of everyone. There is shocked silence in the great hall, and I announce to everyone to enjoy dinner and walk back to my seat. I look up at Harry and he is blushing, I smile and start talking to my fellow professors smile and eat my meal. 'Severus, it's Harry he needs you, come now' Hogwarts tells me.

I stand up from my seat and excuse myself exiting the great hall where I see my Harry lying unconscious on the floor in the hall. I wrap my arms around him picking him up and ask, 'what happened he was fine the last time I saw him in the great hall?' Hogwarts sounds upset as she answers 'he had a nervous breakdown he thinks he is a freak and that you and his parents don't want him. Severus, he needs help this boy has been abused and called a freak his whole life, I can only think of one solution we need to De-age him and fix his mental abuse you need to get a hold of his fathers to have them help you with this.'

I look down at the fragile young man in my arms and start crying. He's been through so much at such a young age. I start walking to my personal rooms in the dungeons when the entrance doors fly open and Sirius black and tom are standing there, they see Harry in my arms and rush over to me. "What's wrong with my son, Severus? Why are you crying?" Sirius asks me, I look at them both then back to Harry and tell them to follow me. It's time to tell them what Hogwarts informed me.

We enter my private chambers I gently place Harry on the couch and look at tom and Sirius and motion them to sit on the couch and start telling them everything starting from my announcement in the great hall to the fact that harry is the owner of Hogwarts, how he had a mental break down and that Hogwarts said that the only way to help Harry is to de-age him and show him that he's not just some freak and that we love him when I finish explaining to them both Tom and Sirius are crying and holding their son.

I walk over to my potion cabinet and grab out a de-aging potion and measure out enough to change my mate into a 3-year-old. I walk back over to Harry and pour the potion into his mouth and stroke his throat, so he doesn't choke on it. Then look over at Tom and Sirius and explain that the potion is going to de-age him to a 3-year-old and every 2 weeks I'll age him up a year so that we can help him get over all his problems.

Tears start trailing down my face and Sirius asks "what's wrong Severus" I choke out "what if after this is done, he looks at me like an uncle or family and won't be my mate anymore. Plus, how are we going to keep Albus away from him he's the one who started all of this." Sirius walks over and hugs me and states "Severus, Harry loves you and will love you when this is all over just trust him and as for Albus he won't harm my son again, none of us will allow it now let's go to bed we are going to need the sleep. We have a 3-year-old to take care of."

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