Chapter 4 The Horcruxes and Hogwarts

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"So, Harry where are these Horcruxes at so we can start gathering them up?" Dad asks me with a smile on his face. I take a deep breath smile and say "ok well the diary Voldemort used in second year Dumbledore thinks I destroyed it but it's actually stashed in a secret compartment in my school trunk, Severus is getting the ring, the locket that evil Umbridge bitch has it, Rowena's lost diadem is in the room of requirements, The Hufflepuff Cup is in Bellatrix's Vault, Nagini is by Voldemort's side and well I'm standing right here.

Sirius sighs "ok so we already have the Diary, Snape is getting the ring, you can get the Diadem when you return to the castle, Nagini is already with tom, so that leaves the locket and the Hufflepuff Cup, which we can get in less than a week. I suggest we start with the locket since we are already in the ministry." I sigh knowing all I can do right now is agree we head up to Umbridge's office and break in luckily, she is in there and we stupefy her and grab the locket and I apparate us away. Now we need to formulate a plan to get to the cup.

*Sirius' P.O.V.*

so, we got the locket so now we just need to get the Hufflepuff Cup Harry says that it's in Bellatrix's Vault and I have an idea of how to get it, but Harry isn't going to be very happy about it. I decide to get it over with, I look at Harry and I blurt out "Harry there is only one way to get the cup and it's going to be dangerous and difficult and I think you should wait here." Harry looks at me like I'm crazy and states "do you really think I'm going to let you do something stupid without me there, Plus I already know what you're planning and what better way to show him that I'm alive then having the living breathing person there with you."

I run my hand through my hair knowing he's right but damn I don't want Harry in any danger and in Tom's state of mind who knows what he'll do, He'll recognize me so I won't be in any danger but with Harry maybe if he keeps his glamour down everything will be all right. I finally look at my son and say ok Harry but at the first sign that he's going to kill you, you apparate out of there quickly." Harry nods his head "ok grab my arm harry we are off to see your father."

We apparate to the edge of Malfoy Manor and we walk through the wards. When we get to the manor, we are surrounded by Death Eaters and I look at all of them and I say, "please take me to Voldemort I need to speak to him about something important." They all laugh and one of them says "oh don't worry you'll get to talk to him probably as he is killing you." They grab Harry and I and start dragging us in. I can feel Harry start to panic and think 'calm down my son everything will be alright, Tom will recognize me, and we will be fine.' I just hope he's using his telepathy, Then I hear in my mind 'Dad I think we should give him the horcruxes we have with us now then I will come back with the others.' I smile and think back 'that is a brilliant idea do you know the spell' I see him nod and I smile and think 'let's do it then'.

We finally reach the meeting room and sitting in a big throne like seat is Tom. He looks up and sees me and says, "release him, release him right this instant." The Death Eaters release me, and I move straight to Harry's side and I look at tom and say, "Tom meet our son Harry Orion Marvolo Riddle-Black." Tom just stares at me and finally Harry looks up at his father and everyone in the room including Tom gasps because standing in front of them is a young man that looks exactly like me and Tom before Tom had his soul split. I look down at Harry and I say, "Harry meet your father Tom Riddle."

Harry looks at Tom and says, "Dad it's a pleasure to meet you without death being in the picture." Harry smiles and I chuckle "I know about your horcruxes dad and I know how to return them to you if like I even have some with me, some will have to wait till I get back to Hogwarts and after I get them I will apparate straight here. Today I have the locket, Nagini, myself, and if you have Bellatrix get it, the cup."

Tom stares at our son in shock then looks at me "he isssss really our ssssson sssssiriusssss." Tingles run through my body I forgot how much his hissing turns me on and just nod. Tom looks around and says, "Everyone leave usssss." All his followers leave the room. "sssssiriusssss explain pleassssse I saw Lily and Jamesssss die to protect their godssssson." I'm quivering in lust at this point in time and I think Harry realizes because he starts talking to Tom in parseltongue and I think 'oh boy the guys in my life are going to drive me crazy' Harry turns and smiles at me turns to Tom and explains : Father I wasssssn't killed when Dumbledore killed Lily and Jamesssss I wasssss put under a glamour to look like their ssssson and Dumbledore hoped to turn usssss againssssst each other I didn't find out till my inheritance where I found out the truth and that dad wasssssn't really dead would you like your horcuxesssss back ssssso we can be a true family?:

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