Chapter 15 - The fight

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A/N: Alright after a long time here is an update for you guys oh and I also went through and fixed the other chapters let me know what you think pretty please. 

*Third persons P.O.V.*

We watch as Severus enters the Weasley House hold with a sinister smile on his face and can hear him tell the twins to leave and watch him prowl closer to Mrs. Weasley till he has her backed up into a corner. He bares his fangs at the women who attempted to steal his mate from him and hisses out "YOU MESSED WITH THE WRONG PEOPLE WOMEN. I HOPE YOU ROT IN HELL." The last thing you hear from Mrs. Weasley is a high pitch scream.

Severus leaves the Weasley house hold and walks up to Harry's Fathers and picks his pregnant mate up from there arms and calmly tells them he is taking his mate home to get cleaned up and fixed up and apparates away.

*Severus's P.O.V*

The bitch got off to lightly in my opinion, but I needed to have my pregnant mate in my arms, so I gave her a quick but painful death. If I could have done it without being without my mate for too long, I would have tortured her for longer than I did.

I look down at my mate and decide I made the right decision even if it leaves my vampire side a little upset that we didn't have more time to torture her. Because my mate is curled up in my arms fast asleep, I decide then and there that he won't be let out of mine or his fathers' sight.

I apparate us down to our living quarters so I can get him cleaned up before having poppy check him over for injuries. Walking straight into our bathroom leaving the door open knowing his fathers will be right behind us wanting to check and make sure he is ok.

I run a nice hot bath and undress us both before slowly slipping into the water will my mate still in my arms as the water starts to caress his body I feel him starting to rouse and grab a rag and slowly start to clean the blood and sweat off of his body making sure to be extra gentle. I hiss a little when I uncover some bruising on his wrists form restraints placed on him, and at the noise he fully wakes.

My heart breaks a little as he panics at first not fully realizing that he is safe in my arms back home being taken care of and my heart breaks a little more when I realize I broke a promise to him, I told him I would keep him and our unborn child safe and I failed by letting him get captured.

I must have been projecting my thoughts and not realizing it because I feel a hand come up and stroke my face and hear my love calmly tell me "Severus, She was hidden and she masked her scent so you wouldn't pick up on it, she had a spell on the hallway to dampen all magic. She had been planning this for awhile you are not at fault we were both excited and not thinking about being aware of our surroundings in our home." I smile and kiss him softly and finish cleaning us up, so I can have poppy check him over.

I get him dried and dress and walk to the floo not in the least bit shocked to see his fathers sitting on the couch I inform them that I am going to have poppy come and check him over and they nod in understanding. Once Poppy comes through, I sit in my arm chair and decide I should ask them now while we are waiting if I can marry their son.

I clear my throat and look at Tom and Sirius, "Tom and Sirius, I know you have had little time with your son, before I came into the picture and I am sincerely sorry if you feel like I am stealing him from you but I want to do this right. By vampire codes we are already married but I want to give him an actual ceremony so I am asking you now if I can have your sons hand in marriage." As I finish my long spiel there is a long and awkward silence before they both smile and tell me they couldn't be happier with the match for their son. I smile and thank them knowing I now need to ask Harry and tell his fathers that they are going to be grandfathers.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2020 ⏰

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