Chapter 2 The Changes

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I woke up in my room at the Dursley's screaming at the top of my lungs, my body in agonizing pain I hear uncle Vernon bellowing down the hall an unlocking my door but I'm in so much pain that I don't care. He burst through the door screaming at me calling me a bloody freak and telling me that I'm a waste of space. He grabs me by my hair dragging me to my feet, he punches me in the face a couple times then in the stomach, then he drops me to the ground kicking me a couple dozen times.

When he finally leaves the room muttering about ungrateful freaks, I am having a hard time breathing I muster up my strength calling for help using my telepathy and apparate myself to saint mungo's. I remember hearing screaming before I black out. I hear voices around me but can only catch part of what they are saying "...apparated...broken ribs...almost dead...muggle family" I groan trying to open my eyes. Where am I? I feel a warm hand on mine and a hand stroking my hair and someone murmurs "shhh Harry don't try and move stay still your hurt." I just groan in response and slip back to sleep.

The next time I wake up I don't hurt as bad and I'm able to open my I eyes. I realize I'm at saint mungo's and use my abilities to finish healing myself I look around my room again and in the seat next to me is someone sleeping I try to say something but all that comes out is croaking. I put my hand up to my throat and the person at my bedside wakes up and I gasp in surprise which causes me to start coughing at my bedside is Severus Snape. He picks up a glass of water with a straw in it and holds it for me, I start drinking and decide to try the telepathy out 'professor Snape is that you' Snape drops the cup and stares at me finally stating "how did the infamous boy-who-lived talk to me through my head?" I don't know why but his snarky comment hurt more than it usually does. I look down telling myself that I'm not going to cry but the tears start falling on their own so I decide to just ask him to leave, so through my telepathy I talk to him again 'Professor would you just kindly leave.' I roll away from him looking at the other side of the room trying to figure out why his comment hurt so bad. 

*Snape's P.O.V.*

3 weeks, 3 bloody weeks he's been out cold, I've known for years that Harry-Bloody-Potter is my mate and at 3am on July 31 I'm in bed sleeping and there is an intense pain everywhere and in my head, someone moaned 'help me' the hairs on my body rose to a stand as I recognized the voice. I jumped out of bed and threw my robes on running from my chambers in the dungeons to the apparition point and apparated immediately to number 4 privet drive. I didn't bother knocking on the door I just busted it in running straight to his room. His room is locked up with several locks and I just blow his door off and run into the room and there is no one there I look everywhere. I walked closer to his bed and looked down and what I saw made my blood run cold, there is so much blood everywhere on the floor and bed.

I search the room for any magical traces and notice someone had apparated from his room. So, believing someone had taken him I apparate using the trail of magic as a guide as to where to go I apparate straight to saint mungo's I immediately run up to the information desk and ask if my Harry had been brought in. Her eyes went wide, and she said that he had caused quite a commotion that he had apparated himself in and he was in bad shape, I snarled at her and told her to tell me where he was. She flinched away and told me his room number and I ran there my robe billowing behind me the entire way, I reached his room and ran in what I saw made me drop to my knees, Harry is lying in bed he's black and blue and so very still in bed, I realized I need to contact people so I slowly make my way over to the floo network and I call Remus first, he pops up in the rice place a smile on his face till he sees the on my face then says "Severus, what's going on? What's wrong?" I start shaking and say "Remus, it's Harry floo over right now."

Remus floos over, I grab him and drag him to the room once inside he goes pale and says "Severus, what happened to him?" I start shaking again and say, "St. Mungo's says that he apparated himself here that he's in bad condition, he has 3 broken ribs and one punctured his lung and when he got here he was almost dead and damn it Remus it's his muggle family that did this to him." As I finish telling him what's happened, Harry groans from his bed I walk over to him rest my hand on his and stroke his hair as I murmur "shhh Harry don't try and move your hurt." He groans and falls asleep. I sat here for 3 weeks before he wakes up again, never leaving his side. I was asleep when he woke up again I was alerted to his situation when I heard him croak, I looked up at him and he starts coughing I pick up a cup of water with a straw in it and hold it so he can drink and in my head, I hear 'Professor Snape is that you' I'm so shocked that I dropped the cup and stared at him. I quickly recover and put my mask back up and in a very snarky tone say, "how did the infamous Boy-Who-Lived talk to me through my head?"

I watch Harry and oh shit he looks upset he has tears in his eyes, and he rolls over and faces away from me and the voice in my head says, 'Professor would you kindly just leave'. Oh god I've done something wrong. I've got to fix this there is no way my vampire side is going to let me leave him alone right now. I fidget in my seat looking at Harry I swallow and say "Harry, I'm sorry I wasn't meaning to be a git, it just came as a surprise is all and I've come to realize that you hate that god forsaken nickname, do you think you can forgive me?"

I sit there in my seat and fidget. Harry slowly turned around and in a very shaky voice that even though it cracks it very clearly Harry, says " do you mean it professor do you really feel sorry and will you quit using that nickname?" I sigh in relief "yes Harry, I truly am sorry, and I will stop using that nickname." Harry looks excited and says "ok you can stay. But I'm going to sleep I'm not feeling so good." Harry lays back down and closes his eyes in less than 10 minutes he's asleep.

I just sit there and watch him he starts whimpering and from that it moves to groans and from there to outright screaming. His body is shaking and being covered in a golden light. I run for a healer and as we run back in the room, Harry is no longer in the golden light his hair has grown out and is no longer the tangled mess that is James Potter's hair, he's grown taller, he's not so thin anymore, as I move closer I gasp as I realize he doesn't look like Lily or James anymore I quickly cover him with a glamour so that nobody else notices.

The healer walks up behind me and says, "nothing to worry about Mr. Snape, Harry was just finishing his inheritance it must have been interrupted when his uncle beat him." The healer turns and leaves the room and I sit back down in the chair next to his bed. Thinking 'who the hell are you' and fall back asleep.

*Harry's P.O.V.*

I fell back to sleep after talking to Professor Snape and right after I fell asleep, I felt so much pain and a warm golden light surrounding me. I could feel my body changing my hair grew longer to shoulder Length it was straight smooth and silky my body filled out, so I am no longer thin and lanky I grew about another foot finally I feel no more pain. I look at Snape and notice he's sleeping again, good this will make it easier for the next part of my plan it's time to get dad back!

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