The deaging of Harry Potter part 2

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It's Halloween night, it has been 9 days since we aged Harry to 7 I can tell that my angel is bored and tired and sick of being stuck in this room but he can't leave because Albus is very persistent that he needs to get him because it's his destiny to defeat Voldemort and that Harry must be the one to do it. I have been trying my hardest to keep harry away from the old coot. Sirius and Tom are doing their best to keep my little Angel entertained but there is only so much for a 7-year-old to do in the little area.

*Harry's P.O.V.*

I am 7 now and I'm tired of being stuck in the room. I remember that one of the times I was talking to Salazar that he told me that I have another familiar down in the Chamber of secrets, so I call faux to me and us apparate in to the chamber of secrets.

Once down in the chambers I meet the familiar that Salazar left for me it's a basilisk hybrid that won't kill unless commanded and can look into people's eyes I speak to the snake :hello beautiful do you have a name yet: The snake hisses out a reply :no master you are to name me.: I think about names and come to the choice that I'm going to name her Adelina, I hiss to my beautiful snake : Your name is going to be Adelina.:

She stays silent for a minute thinking about it and decides she likes it and hisses : that is a good name master thank you.: I stay down in the chambers for a little while playing with my familiars and getting to know them and letting them get to know me and decide I'm going to go and explore the halls of Hogwarts for a little while. I know dad, papa, and Severus say it's dangerous, but I can't handle being stuck cooped up in a room anymore.

*Dumbledore's P.O.V.*

I know Severus has been hiding that brat from me I don't know where but I know he is there is something really suspicious going on the castle doesn't listen to me anymore and faux doesn't answer my calls anymore and that brat is out of control and in order for my plans to work that brat has to be under my control I'm wondering the halls right now trying to figure out how to get the information I want out of Severus when out of nowhere I'm ran over by what looks like a 7 year old kid the kid hollers over his shoulder "so sorry mister" and keeps running.

This is suspicious what is a 7-year-old kid doing in Hogwarts, so I start running after the kid trying to catch up to him. He finally stops and is looking around in awe, so I walk up to him and ask, "who are you and why are you at Hogwarts?" The kid looks up at me and I instantly realize who it is I'm talking to and start smiling broadly. He gets a little spooked and starts backing up slowly and I follow him forward this is the brat I have been searching for I don't know how he got to age 7 but it doesn't matter I can find out how to progress the aging and until I do the Weasley boy and Granger girl can keep an eye on him so I pull my wand out and do a simple stun of him and levitate him to my office so I can call the kids to come and take care of him so I can fix this simple mistake.

*Harry's P.O.V.*

I apparated out of the chambers and started running around the castle finally glad to be free of the rooms and in the process, ran over someone so I turned and shouted over my shoulder at them that I was sorry and continued to run. I didn't realize the person was following me till I stopped to look around in awe at everything around me and I heard him ask "who are you and why are you at Hogwarts?"

I looked up at him and instantly realized who it was that I had run into and started backing up slowly in the process warning Hogwarts and Adelina and faux to go and get my dad, papa and Severus and the next thing I know is everything is black. I think I am finally starting to come to though because I can hear the old guy talking to 2 people and I'm scared I should have stayed in the dungeons like dad, papa and Severus told me too.

The old man finally realizes that I'm awake and brings the two people he was talking to over to me and says "This is Ron Weasley and this is Hermione Granger and they are your best friends Harry, I don't know what happened to you my boy but I am going to fix it and miss Granger and Mr. Weasley are going to watch you and make sure that nothing bad happens to you." I frown, I don't remember being friends with these 2 and in fact my dad, papa, and Severus warned me to stay away from these 2 saying that they were only pretending to like me.

So, I curl up away from them and ask Hogwarts to keep me safe and I hear her tinkle "always Harry, I will always keep you safe don't worry." The girl bends down and wraps her arms around me saying that she's missed me and I quickly pull away from her and yell "Don't touch me I don't know you." and she starts crying which causes the red headed boy to get angry and he punches me in the head and I black out.

*Severus' P.O.V.*

I just got back from classes when I enter my rooms I notice how quiet it is and start looking for my little angel and he is nowhere to be found so I ask his parents they told me he was in his room and I inform them that he isn't in his rooms anymore and all of a sudden faux and this snake I have never seen before enter my rooms and the snake starts talking to Tom and I get a message from Hogwarts herself telling me that my little angel has been taken by Dumbledore and is being kept in his office and that I need to hurry up and get there.

I don't waste any time at all I burst from the room using my vampire speed and rush to Dumbledore's office and burst in my mate is laying on the floor with blood leaking from his head I rush over to him and as I reach him he turns gold and is progressively aging and I shake in fear this is sooner than we calculated and I don't know if he is ready for this yet Hogwarts wraps me mentally in her arms and tells me everything will be all right and that it is time for him that he knows love.

I pick my mate up in my arms, I hiss at Dumbledore, Weasley and Granger and say in my most sinister voice "YOU COME NEAR MY MATE AGAIN AND I WILL TEAR YOUR THROATS OUT." and Hogwarts apparates us out of the room and back in to my rooms. Now just to wait for my little angel to wake up so I can finally show him how much I love him.

*Dumbledore's P.O.V.*

I left the room to go and find the potion that would return the boy to his age and left him to get reacquainted with Miss Granger and Mr. Weasley and I could hear shouting in the room so I quickly grab the potion and rush back into the room and see Mr. Weasley punch him in the head, I turn to Mr. Weasley and hiss out "what did you do that for now we have to wait for him to wake up to give him the potion." Mr. Weasley shrugs his shoulders and said, "He shouldn't have made Mione cry and anyways the little freak deserves it."

My office door flies open and Severus rushes in and picks up Harry and all of a sudden, he is surrounded in a bright golden light and Severus looks worried for a minute then he calms down so it must not be anything to bad then he turns to Miss Granger, Mr. Weasley and myself and warns us away from his mate in his most sinister voice my jaw drops and I piss myself in fright and look around and both Miss granger and Mr. Weasley are in the same condition. Well Fuck its back to the drawing board on how to get to the boy because Severus can't have him, I need his powers along with his fame. I will get him if it's the last thing I do.

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