The Deaging of Harry Potter Part One

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I wake up to my mate crying and I get out of bed walking to the living room and my mate is adorable as a three-year-old. He looks up at me with tears in his beautiful eyes and I kneel in front of him and ask, "what's wrong sweetie? why are you crying?" Harry stares at me and replies "where am I? Uncle Vernon is going to be very mad if I'm not there to make breakfast, he says it's the only good things freaks are good for."

I get angry when I hear that but I quickly mask my features so harry doesn't think I am angry at him and I pull him into my arms and hug him close and whisper " Harry, you're not a freak I want you to forget everything your aunt and uncle told you. My name is Severus and I am just like you. Can I tell you a secret Harry?" Harry nods his tiny head and I hold him closer to me and I smile and whisper "Harry both of us are wizards the stuff you were doing for your aunt and uncle to call you freak is all normal and guess what harry." Harry looks at me then quietly asks " what Sev'rus?"

I smile and chuckle at how he pronounces my name and say "in that room right there..." I point to the room that Sirius and tom are sleeping in. "are two people that really want to meet you why don't you go in and wake them up." I smile at harry and walk over to the door with my mates' tiny hand in mine and push the door open I smile down at harry and say, "go ahead harry, go wake them up I'm going to go and get changed."

Harry walks into the bedroom and I smile and walk to my bedroom to change and map out his change schedule it's September 2nd so I'll change him to 4 on September 15, 5 on September 28, 6 on October 10, 7 on October 23, 8 on November 5, 9 on November 18, 10 on December 1, 11 on December 14, 12 on December 20, 13 on January 2, 14 on January 15, 15 on January 28, 16 on February 9 and if everything works out I will be able to change him back to 17 before valentine's day but knowing my little mate something will happen it always does. I smile as I hear laughing in the next room. Everything is going to work out just fine.

* Tom and Sirius's P.O.V.*

Severus showed us the room we were going to be staying in for the next couple of months and we laid in bed holding each other for comfort our little boy has been hurt his whole life and we must make it better Dumbledore will not come near him at all. we kiss each other cuddle up and go to sleep. we both wake up to our son crying and we both sit up and listen and hear Severus talking to him we both smile and cuddle closer waiting for our son to come to us so we can explain.

It doesn't take long our door opens and Severus smiles down at Harry and nudges him forward and turns to his room. we both smile at the young child and Sirius opens his arms and says, " come here harry so we can introduce ourselves." Harry watches us closely as he walks over to the bed, he climbs in and lays in Sirius' arms we both wrap our arms around him hugging and crying and Tom says " Harry my name is tom but I would prefer if you call me dad and the other person next to you is Sirius and you can call him papa. We are your parents Harry."

Tom goes quiet to let harry think for a second, Harry then smiles and says " so I have a family? You guys really want to keep me?" we look at each other over Harry's head and frown our son has really had it rough. we pull him in closer and kiss his head and say, "yes son, we really want to keep you." He starts clapping and we laugh and start tickling him, yes, our son is going to be showed lots of love.

We smile down at the laughing, wriggling form of our 3-year-old son. we spend every minute with harry cuddling him holding him loving him and showing him that everything that those freaks told him was wrong and that he is a very special child. He eats at every meal we read him stories everything goes fine till we age him up to 4 and Severus comes back from classes upset we are all sitting in the living room and he storms into the room and starts throwing stuff and cursing under his breath and harry whimpers and buries deeper into our chests scared at all the noise being made and Severus turns to harry and screams at him "This is all your fault Potter you always have to make things fucking difficult, god why don't you go get lost."

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