Chapter 3 Getting Sirius Black Back

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I apparate straight from St. Mungo's to the ministry of magic and go straight to the department of mysteries. I stand in front of the veil and pull out my wand and think back to what the spell was that I must recite, and I say "revertere ad nominatum Sirius Black!" I stand back and cover my eyes as a blinding white light flares out of the veil and when the light starts fading, I remove my hand and standing in front of me is Sirius Black.

He stands up and looks at me and opens his arms I run and jump into his arms and start crying. He strokes my head and wraps his arms around me, we fall to the ground crying we finally both calm down and Sirius pulls away and looks me over he frowns and asks " Harry, why are you wearing a glamour to continue looking like Lily and James?" I frown and stand up producing a full body mirror and look and realize that I do indeed have a glamour on to look like I did before my inheritance.

I wave my wand to drop the glamour that was placed on me. The glamour drops and I look into the mirror again and gasp in surprise standing in the mirror is a young man that has long black hair, he stands about 6ft, he is no longer thin and lanky, I look at my eyes they are no longer emerald green. I have 2 eye colors grey and ruby red, I smile and turn around to let dad look at me.

*Sirius' P.O.V.* 

I met my son on his birthday, well that's to say I met him as my son instead of my godson I told him how to remove me from the veil and it's been almost a month since I told him how, maybe he changed his mind about us being a family. I'm laying here waiting when I hear him, he says the spell exactly like he's supposed to, and I feel a rope pulling me forward. I close my eyes as a blinding white light forms around me, as the light disappears, I stand up and open my arms, Harry runs into my arms and starts crying, I stroke his hair and wrap my arms around him and we both fall to the ground crying.

When we both calm down, I pull away and look him over and frown he's wearing a glamour so that he still looks like Lily and James son. Is he ashamed of to be called my son, instead of letting it get to me I just decide to ask him so I take a deep breath and ask, "Harry why are you wearing a glamour to continue looking like Lily and James?" He frowns and stands up producing a full body mirror. I notice him wave his wand to remove the glamour and I smile, standing in front of me is my true son. He turns around to face me and I gasp and start to cry.

He has our eyes, Tom's and mine, one of each, I walk up to Harry and wrap my arms around him and hold my son for the first time and when I calm down, I say to him "Harry, you look just like Tom and me. I'm so proud of you. You are my son and I know how to get your dad back to us whole and in one piece. Are you ready for this my son?" Harry smiles big and nods his head. I smile and say "ok my son the first thing we need to do is find all his horcruxes.

I know all 7 of them they are Hufflepuff's Cup, Slytherin's Locket, Rowena's Ravenclaw's Lost Diadem, Tom's Diary, Nagini, Marvolo's ring and Harry you're a horcrux as well." Harry chuckles and I watch in confusion, he smiles at me and say's "Dad, I can tell you where all these objects are." I Just look at him and then say "Explain please, Harry"

*Harry's P.O.V.*

I chuckle slightly and I say "Dad, Rowena gave me the gift of infinite Knowledge remember. So, I know where all the items and the first one we need to get back right now is the ring because Dumbledore has it and dad, I know the perfect way to get it back."

Dad looks at me then starts laughing and says, "okay son what is your plan to get the ring then." I smile at my dad and say, "I'm going to apparate us to my room at St. Mungo's so hold on tight to me." Dad looks at me frowns and says "Harry, why were you at St Mungo's?" I look away scratch my head and say "well you see dad after my visit with you guys when the intense pain set in I started screaming, well Uncle Vernon wasn't happy that I had woke him up so he beat the hell out of me and left me to die on my bedroom floor, using the last of my strength I had I called out for help using my telepathy and apparated to St. Mungo's when I woke up Professor Snape was by my side and well I healed myself apparated here without telling him I was leaving."

I finish my story with my hands buried deep in my hair looking a bit sheepishly. My dad looks at me growls then groans and says, "God I'm going to kill that stupid man!" He then looks at me groans again and starts again "oh Harry you didn't tell Snape where you were going?" He looks around pacing, "Harry we didn't tell you in your inheritance because we figured I would be your first stop and I could tell you in person, but things didn't happen that way. Harry, what I'm about to tell you is going to come as a major shock to you, but you see Severus is a vampire and Harry you are Severus' life mate that is why Severus thought your mother was his mate because he sensed you in her womb."

Dad looks at me again and says, "Harry we have to get you back to the hospital before we have a very angry and possessive vampire on our tail." I shake my head trying to figure everything out then hear something that heats and cools my blood at the same time. "A little too late for that Sirius, you already have an angry and possessive vampire on your tail." I turn around to see Severus standing there, wait no it's not Severus it's Professor Snape and he is very angry for some reason. I find myself moving forward slowly saying in a very calming voice "Severus I'm ok calm down everything is all right."

I step into his arms and can feel him shaking and he wraps his arms around me tight his face buried in my hair he starts calming down he starts mumbling in my hair "My Harry, mine, don't leave me, can't handle it." I hold him till he calms down watching my dad. He just smiles and nods at me, when Severus finally calms down I say " Severus I need you to do me a favor Dumbledore has a ring that belongs to my father, he's trying to destroy it so that he can try to manipulate me into killing my father to drain all my powers and turn around and kill me."

Severus growls and his arms wrap tighter around me. "he will not harm you Harry not while I am around, what do you need me to do my love?" My chest tightens when Severus calls me his love and I curl closer to him and I whisper "Severus, please don't say something you don't mean." I take a deep breath and continue and say "Severus I need you to somehow get the ring from Dumbledore before he destroys it and me and my dad..." I smile at Sirius "are going to go and get as many of the horcruxes as we can I will meet you at Hogwarts in a week for school."

Severus pulls me away to arm's length and says "Harry, I am not saying I do not mean you are my love, you may not understand now but you will understand soon. I will get the ring for you and I will be waiting for you at Hogwarts but perhaps not in the way you think I will be." Severus pulls away kisses me lightly and sweeps out of the room his robes billowing behind him. I feel weak in the knees and touch my lips and sigh; my dad chuckling brings me back to the present and I blush. Dad hugs me and says, "son don't worry about it that's how I felt when your dad first kissed me too."

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