Oh yeah?

3 1 0

As soon as I reached home, I got tackled into a hug by my sweet yet amazing brother. I know he can be childish at times but he always has his overprotective side to him that mostly all brothers have for their little sister's.

"Hey honey bun! How was your day?" He asked.

"It was good except for the fact that I have to take math tutions from now on" I pouted.

"Awww dont worry it wont be that bad" he said, pulling me into the house with him.

"Hope so" I replied and sat down on the couch.
"Where's mum and dad?"

"Gone out maybe another date"

Yeah date. My parents still go out because they believe in living till one's fullest. And let me tell you that I still can find condoms in their room. Gross. I know.

"Oh god!"

"Can we watch a movie please?" I asked and he nodded, walking over to the shelves and taking out San Andreas.

We were at the part where Blake kisses Ben when Jay paused the movie and looked towards me.

"You know if any guy ever tries to kiss you or take your virginity away or even if i see some worthless guy around you, I'll kill him" and with that he played the movie again. I giggled at his overprotectiveness and continued with the movie.

We watched San Andreas and then just hung out till it was bed time. Yeah we're the coolest pair of siblings ever born. Though it reminds me of another sweet sibling I had.

"Good night sweet cheeks"

"Good night honey bun"

And with that we went into our separate rooms.

I was going to sleep when I heard a tap. I first thought it might be something hit my glass accidently but the tapping continued.





"Ugh! Whoever the hell it is better have a good reason or protect your god damn face!" I whisper yelled. Enough for the person at my window to hear but not my brother in the room next to me or my parents downstairs, that is if there home.

I walked up to window still half asleep and peeked my head out and immediately got hypnotised. Ok not literally but god! His eyes are just amazing! They were a mesmerizing ocean blue.

I snapped out of my daze and asked him what I had to instead of standing like an idiot. "Who are you?"

"You really don't know me?" The voice asked. Wait...it sounds familiar. He pulled himself up a bit more so I could see him...RavenWilliams.
What is he doing here?! At my house at this time!

I heard him grunt and so I let him in quickly. He slowly climbed over my window and into my room. I gasped. His shirt had blood on it I instantly put his right arm over my shoulders and guided him to my bed.

He plopped down into my bed and winced, holding his side. I quickly ran into my bathroom and took out the first aid kit from a cabinet, running back into my room and sitting beside him.

"Take off your shirt" I said.

He smirked "Eager are we?" I rolled my eyes.

"Take off your shirt and let me patch you up or I throw you out the window just as you came in" I said in a stern voice. He looked like he was going to argue further but the pain stopped him and he took off his shirt.

I almost fainted at seeing the goddamn amazing 8 pack and smooth skin but held myself back from doing anything that would embarrass me. I quickly patched him up and moved to his face, all the while ignoring the jolts of electricity that shot through my body, just by touching him.

After I was done I placed the kit where it was in the bathroom and came back out.

"Will you be able to go back home?" I softly asked.

"Can I stay the night here? Please? I can't go back home" he replied.

I was confused as to why he can't go back home but I didn't voice my thoughts because it might make him uncomfortable or it might be a sore subject for him.

"Ok" I said and slid inside the covers beside him and he laid back down.

3 hours later

I heard heavy breathing...like something is running or running out of breath. My snapped open and I looked to my right to see Wesley struggling like he was fighting someone off.

He was trashing his arms around.

"No! No! Don't! Leave my family alone! Please! Kill me! But leave them alone! Please..."

I don't know why but I got worried about him and decided to stop his torcher by waking him up. I gently shook his shoulder but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me into his chest.

I didn't move because I realised that as soon as I was in his arms, he calmed down and I wasn't gonna disturb his peace so I laid my head in his chest and wrapped my arms round his torso and immediately fell asleep.


D (author): So! What do you think about the first chapter?

Jay: More like torcher.

D: Hey! Rude much?!

Jay: Why does he have to go into Amys room? Can't he come into mine?!

Rav: I'm right here! And no not interested jay!

D: guy's! Calm down! Rav! No one specified you into any room so shut it and Jay he didn't kiss your sister so shut it!

Jay: B-but he's holding her in his arms and cuddling into her! How long is it exactly before they freaking have sex?!

Rav: Soon enough (mutters)

Jay: Shut up! *glares at Rav*

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