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     HOW MUCH TIME HAD PASSED? Days, weeks, months? Yan didn't know. She was almost certain that her parents believed she was dead based on how long she had been missing; and if they knew she was still alive, they would never see her again. She was locked in a Fire Nation prison across the world. The chances of ever getting home were slim to none. Yan cried for the first three nights when the severity of her situation finally sunk in, but after a while, her tears dried and she could no longer weep over her misfortune. Although she was dressed in rags and her once short hair had now reached the top of her shoulders, she tried to remain positive.

Her prison cell in the Capital City Prison was the size of a small bedroom and made of stone. Inside the cell was a metal cage where she was confined, a thin sheet on the floor acting as a sleeping area and a tiny window close to the ceiling her only form of light. Either her prison guards  forgot she was an earthbender or didn't know, Yan thought about using her bending many times to escape but didn't want to face any further punishment. The food was decent for prison food; it mostly consisted of a bowl of plain rice, a steamed bun, and cold tea, but something was better than starving.

Although she was in prison, Yan did have a friend to keep her company. By some stroke of luck, Iroh was in the cell next to hers and Yan would sit or stand underneath a small gap in the stone near the ceiling to speak with him whenever she could. Right now, she sat under the small gap, her arms folded over her lap. "Iroh, can I ask you a question?" she asked as she leaned her head against the cold stone. She heard a mumble that sounded like a yes, prompting her to continue. "Have you ever met an earthbender or heard of an earthbender that can make lava come out of their bending?"

Iroh in his cell stroked his long beard at the teenage girl's question. "Lava? I have only read that past Avatars sometimes had the ability to lavabend. Avatar Szeto, Avatar Kyoshi, and Avatar Roku all possessed lavabending abilities. It could be a possibility that you are descended from Avatar Kyoshi's daughter." Iroh explained. 

Yan thought over his suggestion; it could be possible, but Yan didn't want to overthink the scenario and get her hopes up. It could just be a coincidence that she could somehow lavabend. She quieted down after Iroh's explanation, crossing her arms over her chest and looking out the small window. It was currently nighttime, her dinner had long been eaten. She should've been attempting to sleep, but she had too much on her mind. Before she could think further about how she could lavabend, a voice outside the cell caught her attention.

"I'm going in for a visit. You're gonna stand guard here, and no one is going to know about this." Zuko's voice said from just outside, a thud sounding soon after. The cell door beside her cell creaked as the firebender who betrayed her entered Iroh's cell. 

From the get-go, Yan could already feel her anger rising. She chose not to listen to the conversation next door ― not many words were shared between Iroh and Zuko, Zuko mostly judging his uncle for ending up in his current predicament and quickly losing his temper over the silence. Yan figured Iroh had every right to be angry with Zuko; his own nephew had betrayed him, who wouldn't be angry?

Over the course of a few nights, Zuko would visit his uncle, often speaking with him while Iroh ignored him. Yan would listen to the conversations the two had, Zuko sometimes expressing his regrets over the betrayal, though Yan didn't believe him at first. On one occasion, Zuko brought his uncle some komodo chicken in exchange for advice over his confused mind. When there were no additional words spoken, the firebender lost his temper yet again, insulting his uncle and storming out of the cell.

She looked toward the cell door when it opened. In the light, she could see Zuko's silhouette, a red robe draped over his clothing. She immediately turned away, facing the wall as he approached. "I see they placed you in the cell beside my uncle. Are they treating you well?" he asked, though he got no response. Why would he care about her well-being when he put her here?

𝐖𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐈𝐍𝐅𝐄𝐑𝐍𝐎 𝐁𝐔𝐑𝐍 | prince zukoWhere stories live. Discover now