Chapter 14

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Y/N's Pov

It's been a few days since Kyle and I received our member berries, four to be exact. On our walk back from receiving them, we gave one vine to Kenny and went our own ways.

The three of us decided to meet up at Kyle's house every few days to record our progress on a poster board. 

"So... Y/N. I've noticed you have been hanging out with the boys a lot more lately."

Wendy was the first one to break the silence in our Algebra class. I wouldn't blame her. The lack of talking was unbearable.

If only she'd brought up a different topic.

"I know, right? Isn't it cute? Maybe she'll finally find a boyfriend!"

I shot a glare at Bebe. I didn't want to come off as rude, but she knew better than anyone else that I wasn't in the best mental state. Luckily, she took notice of my silent begs.

"Ah, u-um," she coughed, "She didn't really ask for it, though. Butters practically dragged her into his friend group."

Wendy tapped her chin with her pencil, examining me.

"Well, it's a change for sure," she raised an eyebrow, "Are you sure you haven't grown interested in any of them?"

Wendy then chuckled and stuck her tongue out in a cute manner.

"I've heard you're doing your science fair project with Kyle and Kenny."

My eyes widened.

"A-And?" I stuttered.

"...Well, I was just wondering. I know the whole AIDS thing with Kyle kinda made him undesirable to everyone here but if you-"


I've been saved by the bell yet again.

I quickly packed my stuff and raced out of the classroom, thoughts of the conversation in my head.

This whole situation... It's making me feel bad for Kyle. More than before.

What Wendy said, is it true? No one, no one is interested in Kyle now? Just because of a dumb rumor that isn't even true?

Halting my thoughts, I met up with Butters during lunch, and went on with the same routine I've been keeping up for the past few days.

Go with him, sit with his friends, and barely speak.

I don't entirely know why he brings me with him every time. Sure, I... 'cheered' him up last week, but, to be completely honest, I didn't feel like I was doing much. And yet, he seems so happy for me to just accompany him.

It's as if my existence in itself has filled an empty spot in his life...

Oh, I'm just Cartman 2.0 to him. How did I just now realize that?

I took notice that I was staring down at my lunch as the guys around me were talking, none of which were paying attention to my presence. Well, that's what I thought, until I glanced my eyes up to catch someone staring at me blankly...


My eyes were locked right into his. There was an awkward moment before Kyle caught on to what he was doing, and quickly darted his eyes away.

I got that weird feeling in my stomach again. It wasn't clear if it was guilt, infatuation, confusion... actually, now that I think about it, it was probably all of the above. The same lingering thoughts that haunted my head had come back.

Kyle is... honestly super cute.

His cute curly red hair, his cute green eyes, his cute hat, his cu-

No, no. Stop. I already made a promise to myself to not get attached.

...Well... I guess I can still admire him.

Those thoughts stayed dormant in my mind for the rest of the school day. I could barely pay attention to any of my class work. Even Bebe noticed my mind was extra jumbled.

My mind was so jumbled that I hadn't even realized Kyle walked over to me at the end of 7th period.

"Hey, Y/N," he spoke, pulling me away from my thoughts.

I looked up from my lab table and looked him in the eyes. Those eyes... they seemed a bit somber. I wanted to respond with a small 'yeah?' or 'hm?' but no words escaped my mouth, perhaps from how caught off guard I was.

"I was just wondering..."

Kyle cleared his throat and his eyes darted to the side, a hint of sweat appearing on his forehead.

"I just wanted to ask if you wanted to-"

"Hey, hey! What am I missing?"

Kyle's sentence was cut off from Kenny appearing out of seemingly nowhere. It was weird, I thought he had already left, but I assume he came back.

"This isn't about the project is it? C'mon, Kyle, don't leave me out of something that important. I'm not that much of a dead-weight," Kenny said, faking a dramatic heartbroken tone.

Kyle stared at Kenny both confusingly and ticked off at first, but then his eyes darted back to me for a split second, and his whole demeanor changed.

"Y...Yes! You're right, Kenny," Kyle replied nervously, "I was just inviting Y/N to my house to work on the project."

Kenny tilted his head, unconvinced.

"But we're supposed to meet up again this Saturday to update our recordings."

"I-It was for planning out the presentation part of it!"

...Something tells me Kyle is lying. Kenny seemed to roll with it, though.

"Oh... hm, ok. Well, take me with you. I can be creative at times," Kenny said.

Kyle muttered back, sneaking a glare at Kenny, "Well, Y/N never said if she's ok with going yet."

"I'll go."

Kyle appeared to be surprised by my quick and direct response.

Part of me was yelling at myself for being so quick to be with him again. Hey, Y/N, this is just for the project, right? RIGHT?

Y/N, you hoe. You know damn well this isn't just about the pro-

Kenny stopped my thoughts, "Well, let's get going now. I can't stay out too late, since I'm worried my sister might miss me too hard."

Kyle and I nodded, and I rose up from my seat to put my backpack on and follow the two to Kyle's house.

...Yeah, Y/N, let's go back to you being a hoe. Do you realize how messed up you're being right now? You killed his friend... his childhood friend. You know what that means, right? Like, they have known each other since childhood. It's in the damn name. And now you're trying to go after him? How tone-deaf can you be? You can't even give him a while to mourn his death?

Wait, wait, but... he doesn't seem to be mourning so hard. In fact, he hasn't brought up the fact that Cartman died to me at all. Which I mean... kinda makes sense. You don't exactly talk about that to someone you barely know. Still, he seems to be more affected by the fact everyone thinks he has AIDS, so-

"Oh, Eric's friends!"

There was the sound of an older woman calling out to Kyle, Kenny, and I. An older woman who has brown hair like Cartman, brown eyes like Cartman, and.... Oh. Oh.

"Hi... Ms. Cartman," Kyle hesitantly greeted.

It seemed we were right outside her house. Cartman's mom rushed up to us. Mascara was running down her face, as if she just got done from a crying session. She was wearing a messy blouse that was pulled down to her shoulders, which accentuated her collarbone and... well, yeah.

"You kids, thank you," she choked out, holding back from crying once more, "You call came at the right time."

She forced out a kind, motherly smile.

"Please... come inside. Just for a quick visit."

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