Chapter 6

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Y/N's Pov

"Pssst, Wendy! What'd you get for number 4? Neither Y/N or I can figure this out!" Bebe spoke, leaning back into her chair and tilting her head at Wendy, who was a seat away from her.

"It's 68, Bebe," Wendy whispered back, "Now, stop asking me for the answers. You have Y/N to ask instead."

Bebe whipped her head to face me, then turned back to Wendy.

"I can't. She's, uh... 'out of it,'" Bebe replied.

She wasn't wrong. Ever since what happened last night, I couldn't focus on school, or friends, or anything at all. And after I comforted that kid, Butters his name was, I feel even more horrible and guilty.

"So, Wendy, how was your date?" Bebe asked, writing down the answer Wendy gave her.

Wendy nervously shifted around in her seat before leaning and whispering loudly.

"I left Kyle. He has AIDS."

I choked on my spit, and Bebe gave a surprised look.

"What? AIDS? How do you know??" Bebe questioned.

"Well, maybe not AIDS, he could just have HIV, but still. An anonymous phone number claiming to be a girl who's banged Kyle before told me."

It then clicked into my head.

The 'anonymous girl'... that was probably Cartman.

From the look of Bebe's face it seemed as if she'd realized as well.

Giving a sheepish laugh, Bebe said, "Oh, Wendy, you shouldn't trust some random stranger so easily."

I blew a sigh of relief, knowing Bebe wasn't drawing out any suspicion to either of us.

Wendy lowered her head. "I know, and I feel really bad about breaking it up with Kyle; he seemed so bummed out about it. But, I need to trust my fellow girls."

Bebe gave Wendy a glare before finally noticing my visible mood.

"Y/N," Bebe placed her hand on my shoulder and gave me a warm smile, "Everything will be fine, okay?"

I was shaking. A lot.


My voice was drowned out by the ringing of the loud school bell. Bebe sprang up from her seat.

"Lunch time! C'mon, Y/N. A chat with our girlfriends will make you feel better!"

I forced out a smile and got out of my seat as well, following Bebe out of the classroom and to the cafeteria.

I silently stood in line, waiting for my food. In the meantime, I took this chance to take a good look at everyone. For the most part, everyone was at the tables they usually sit at. There's the table filled with nerds who love Star Trek, a group of loners, a group of the popular girls; that's usually where I sit. I'm not that popular, but since Bebe is one of my best friends, she invites me to sit with them.

Grabbing my tray filled with corn and mystery meat, I walked away from the lunch line and gave a small smile to Bebe, who was waving me across the room. I was about to take another step, until someone grabbed my arm.

I stopped and took a good look at the male who grabbed me. They had short blonde hair, blue eyes, a turquoise shirt...


"Y/N... p-please sit with me," he quietly spoke, his glossy eyes staring into mine.

I gave a nervous look at Bebe, who looked just as confused. Looking back at Butters, I contemplated what to do.

Go with him. I can't just say no. I killed his best friend! I did this to him! Go with him. Go with him.

Gulping, I answered.

"Of course, Butters."

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